User Manual

Server Configuration :

[Note: If you get "404 page not found" error then make AllowOverride in your virual host and check if .htaccess file is uploaded successfully in root or not]

Installation Manual :
  1. Download .zip package
  2. Upload it to your server
  3. Extract the package
  4. Make sure your folders/files has required premissions
    • Folder : application/config (755 recommended)
    • Folder : application/core (755 recommended)
    • Folder : application/views/include (755 recommended)
    • Folder : assets/images (755 recommended)
    • Folder : upload_caster (755 recommended)
    • File : application/install.txt (755 recommended)
  5. Make sure your server has FFMPEG installed.
  6. Run the uploaded url via browser ( and you will find a interface to provide the settings :
    • Hostname : database host name / IP
    • Database Name : create a mysql database on your host and write that name here
    • Database username  : username of the created database
    • Database password : password of the created database
    • Admin Panel Login Email: this will be used to login as admin
    • Admin Panel Login Password : password to log in as admin
    • Company Name and Company Address
    • Company Phone /  Mobile
  7. Click install button
  8. You are done. Log in with your admin username and password and start using.

This panel is for only admin users. As an admin user, you will find everything to control your application here.

Settings > General Settings [Only Admin]


Settings > Email Settings (System SMTP Email: Only Admin)


Analytics Settings [Only Admin]


Purchase Code Settings [Only Admin]

Settings > Social Login Settings [Only Admin]


Settings > Facebook Settings


User Management [Only Admin]


User List

user list

User Add Form

user list

User Edit Form [Package assign]



Send Notification (email to users) [Only Admin]



Payment > Dashboard [Only Admin]

This is place where you can see your collection report graphically.


Payment > Payment Settings [Only Admin]

This is the place where you set your PayPal account / Stripe account or both and your currency. Your end users will pay to this PayPal account/ Stripe account.


Payment > Package Settings [Only Admin]

Payment > Payment History [Admin will have all and users will have own report]

History of all payment made by end users. You can search be name or payment date.



To get your API KEY and Cron Job command go to Cron Job menu.
Copy the command and configure it into your server.

Update - 2.3.1 to 2.4

1. Download v2.4

2. Copy/Replace your following files and folders taking from v2.4

3. Run the database migration file via browser. Example link

4. You are done.

Update - 2.1 to 2.2

1. Download v2.2

2. Copy/Replace your following files and folders taking from v2.2

3. Run the database migration file via browser. Example link

4. You are done.

Update - 2.0.1 to 2.1

1. Download v2.1

2. Copy/Replace your following files and folders taking from v2.1

3. Run the database migration file via browser. Example link

4. You are done.

Update - 2.0 to 2.0.1

1. Download v2.0.1

2. Copy/Replace your following files and folders taking from v2.0.1

3. Run the database migration file via browser. Example link

4. You are done.

Update - 1.1 to 2.0

1. Download v2.0

2. Copy/Replace your following files and folders taking from v2.0

3. Run the database migration file via browser. Example link

4. You are done.

Update - 1.0 to 1.1

1. Download v1.1

2. Copy/Replace your following files and folders taking from v1.1

3. Create a new folder scheduler inside upload_caster folder [upload_caster folder can be found in project root]

4. Open application/config/my_config.php and update 'product_version' to 1.1

5. You are done.

Thanks a lot to