seem it not power full addon because it upload video to server, a full video for live is so long up to 1h and 1G or 2G per video or longer and bigger then this, we can't upload video direct to our server, it will slow and full server usage, you need to add video from dropbox or google drive url or from direct old video url from youtube or facebook
2 Replies Login to reply
4 years agoNow it 1month still don't see it release, when we can use it
xeroneitbd Admin
4 years agoSorry for the delay. We have just released VidCasterLive add-on for XeroChat here
4 years agoseem it not power full addon because it upload video to server, a full video for live is so long up to 1h and 1G or 2G per video or longer and bigger then this, we can't upload video direct to our server, it will slow and full server usage, you need to add video from dropbox or google drive url or from direct old video url from youtube or facebook