The Most Complete Visitor Analytics & SEO package including visitor analytics (unique visitor, page view, bounce rate, average stay time, average visit, traffic analysis, top refferer, new & returning visitor, content overview, country & browser report, os & device report etc.) , web analytics (whois data, social media data, moz check, search engine index, google page rank, IP analysis, malware check ) , SEO tools (link analysis, keyword position analysis, auto keyword suggestion,page status check etc.)
You will also get several bonus utility tools such as email encoder/decoder, metatag generator, ogtag generator, plgiarism check, valid email check, duplicate email filter, url encode/decode, robot code generator etc.
It’s a multi-user SaaS application means you can resell the Software as a Service. PayPal, Stripe, Instamojo, Mercadopago, Mollie, Myfatoorah, Paymaya, Paystack, Razorpay, SSLCOMMERZS, SenangPay, Toyyibpay, Xendit are integrated so that you can receive payment from your end users. If you want to use the SaaS features and charge your end user for using the service you have to buy extended license.
It has native API by which developers can integrate it’s facilities with another app.
Nice colorful widgets are available. You can simply copy & paste some line of codes to any page you want and can display site information.
Visitor Analytics : own site
Website Analytics : any site (pdf report)
Social Network Analysis (SEO Tool)
Rank & Index Analysis (SEO Tool)
Domain Analysis (SEO Tool)
IP Analysis (SEO Tool)
Keyword Analysis (SEO Tool)
URL Shortener (SEO Tool)
Malware Scan (SEO Tool)
Link Analysis (SEO Tool)
Your domain must have https to use SiteSpy features.
[Note: If you get `404 page not found or 500 internal error` or other server error then make sure AllowOverride is enabled in your virtual host and check if .htaccess file is uploaded successfully in root or not]
We have auto update feature that have ability to update files from our cloud storage. Its recommended to make all the files and folders are writable(755 permission recommended) to avoid any future issue while updating.
For better performance set php max_execution_time, mysql connect_timeout, mysql wait_timeout , max_allowed_packet , max_connections to long limit possible, so that your server can process script for long time if needed.
For fast loading, we recommend to enable GZIP Compression on your server (Most server enable it by default)
Quick Installation Guide : Installation Video Manual
You will need to create API for your admin account & each users will need to create their own API. As system use all Free API version, so due to restriction in number of call, each user needs to create their own API to system work correctly for large amount of users. Needed API are listed bellow
1. Google API
2. Moz API [Creating account may need credit card information, but no cost]
3. Virustotal API
4. Bitly API
5. Rebrandly
- Fix : Promo video issue fix - Fix : Logo change issue in Login and Settings page - Fix : Empty address field save issue - Fix : Test and User Email send issue - Fix : IPv 6 login ip issue
Fix : Paypal payment cancel url issue
- Fix : website report issue - Fix : Reset email page issue - Fix : Payment settings issue - Fix : Security patch Jan 2024 (you may need to set php v8.1 again after update)
- Fix : Front-end search issue fixed - Fix : Smtp settings save issue fixed - Fix : Language issue fixed - Fix : Register issue fixed - Fix : Landing page logo and color change issue fixed
Following New 11 payment methods added for Extended License Only - Instamojo - Mercadopago - Mollie - Myfatoorah - Paymaya - Paystack - Razorpay - SSLCOMMERZS - SenangPay - Toyyibpay - Xendit You need to configure your payment accounts again after update.
- Support new whois API
- PHP 8 compatibility - PDF download fix - Database query optimization for Dashboard and Visitor Analytics - 'Xero' word removed from visitor analytics embed code [need to delete previous analytics code]
- Support desk last reply display issue (extended license only) - Datatable language issue fix - Front-end website analysis search issue fix - Front-end modal width in mobile size issue fix - Google position for keyword position issue fix.
- Support for latest Google PageSpeed Insights API - Admin can now give access of their API's to their customers. - Grid action button issue in mobile. - Missing CSRF for custom front end theme. - Whois info issue fix. - Google, Bing Index count fix.
- Undefined variable and string in home.php - Manual payment disbale issue - SMTP test mail issue
- Auto update only
- Typo issue fix. - Google API error Catch(PageSpeed Insights). - Cron job for deleting visitor analytics data except last 30 days. - CSRF security applied. - Error fix in website analysis metatag info. - Undefined Index issue Alexa part fix. - Restriction added to getting widget data. - Restriction added for visitor analytics data.
- Auto update only
- Getting error during signup issue fix. - Email template settings section display blank page issue fix. - Showing error while saving general settings section issue fix.
- Project renamed to "SiteSpy" - Resign & re-coding full system - Deprecated several old tools : SimilarWeb, DMOZ, Google Adward Sraper, Backlink-Ping and - Introduced new URL shortener : Rebrandly - Introduced language editor and front-end theme system - More features for extended license added : manual payment & support desk - Upgrade from SiteSpy will not work, will need a fresh installation.
-Fix : Missing parentheses error in plagiarism check -Fix : Front end search responsive issue -Fix : Add package variable warning
-Fix : Overview report graph does not load in first time. -Fix : Social sharing count fix for Facebook.
-Fix : Website analysis error fix for PHP 7.3
-Fix : Language error for Russian and Dutch
-New: Support for PHP 7.3
-New: Cron job menu in admin panel to copy the cron commands -Fix: Video tutorial thumbnail change in front end
-New: New login/sign up page -New: New landing page -Improve: UI & UX modification throughout the project -Improve: Color scheme modification for all 12 themes -Improve: Borrowed styling from bootstrap 4 -Improve: Beautiful javaScript alert and confirmation -Improve: Font change and latest font awesome 5 support -Fix: Sidebar stay open on page refresh -Fix: Removed deprecated Google URL shortener and replaced by Bitly URL shortener -Fix: Many other minor fixes
New: Wrong sign up url in landing page
New: Added master password system (will be used for login as user). New: Native PHP mail support. New: SSL SMTP settings. Fix: Added original From email in the email body. Fix: Google URL Shortener and Code Minifier menu are not shown in member panel.
- Domain IP information does not work due to database filed not available issue
Fix : Account activation issue Fix : Auto update issue Fix : Whois search issue Fix : Web analysis stuck at 71% or 99% issue New : Show/hide landing page
Fix : Plagiarism check issue Fix : URL shortener issue Fix : File upload meme type issue
Fix : Static sign-up link for packages in front end
- If you have updated to v4.0 before 19th April,2018 then replace application/controllers/Home.php taking from new package now. If you are updating on 19th or later then you can skip this change.
-New : Upgraded to CodeIgniter 3 -New : Auto update system -New : Add-on support -New : Brand new landing page design -New : Brand new dashboard design -New : 12 Different Color Skins -New : IP -Traceout -New : VirusTotal Scan (total 67 scans) -Fix : Facebook social login -Fix : Plagiarism check -Fix : Google index -Fix : Similarweb data - Depreciated : Linkedin share,commnet & like, Google+ count, DMOZ listing, AVG/McAfee
-New : IP Canonical Checker -New : URL Canonical Checker -New : Server Version and name check from header -New : Base64 Decoding, encoding -New : Domain DNS Information -New : Gzip Check -Update: Show the Organization of Domain in IP -Fix : Front end analysis stuck issue
-New : Website analysis in front end (you can enable/disbale it from admin panel > general settings) -Fix : MySQL goneway issue -Fix : iconv function issue -Fix : URL shortener issue fix -Fix : Some minor fix
-New- PDF download in website analysis -New: Advertise ready front end -New: PHP 7 compatible -Fix : Facebook share fix in -Fix: Flag icon fix -Fix: Keyword analysis unicode issue fix -Fix: URL shortener issue fix
- New: Google URL shortener - New: Shortened URL Analytics - New: HTML minifier - New: CSS minifier - New: JS minifier - New: Social login (Google & Facebook) - New: Stripe payment method - New: IPv6 compatibility check - New: BRL currency - Fix: Validity issue during sign up issue (free package) - Fix: Login without activation issue - Fix: Usage log - visitor analytics issue - Fix: Mobile ready Check - connection timeout - Fix: Xing share issue in some servers - Fix: Some other minor issue
-Improved: Backlink Checker -MozRank Highlighted replacing PageRank
-New: Database optimization -New: Visitor analytics : js code (no conflict with jQuery) -New: Turkish and Vietnamese language support -Fix: Visitor analytics: new visitor bug fix -Fix: Front-end price table bug -Fix: Auction domain list (auto delete junk data) -Fix: Cron job script bug
- Fix: SimilarWeb fix - Fix: Google safe browser API fix (google have changed their API )
- Fix: PHP error in website analysis (clicking details soon after finishing a website analysis) - Fix: Facebook comment, StumbleUpon
- New : Monthly limiting & bulk limiting (membership package) - New : Usage log for non-admin users - New : Mobile friendly check (website analysis) - New : Sites in Same IP (website analysis) - Improve : Package info and expired date in dashboard for non-admin users - Improve : Flag icons beside country names - Fix : Whois info, google backlink, google index
- Improve : Dashboard (6 new graphs) - Improve : Website analysis (website snapshot added) - Improve : Unicode support in plagiarism check - New : Membership package (price, validity, module access etc) - New : Keyword position tracking (update daily) - New : Language switcher in user level - New : Greek language support (total 10 now)
- Improve : Dashboard Color - Improve : IP information API not calling continuously when it is already in db - New : Two country code added which has missed . - License activation system add.
- New: Dashboard - Change in visitor tracking code to remove delay in page loading. - Fix : problem with dash(-) operator domain in visitor analytics. - Fix: Whois data problem when domain with www or http. - Fix: Search with date in Country Wise Report. - Fix: Payment table error
-Initial Release
11 Comments Login to comment
1 year agoAfter installing the app it seems like " //loads language files of addons
protected function language_loader_addon()" is return error. please see thhe screenshot
3 years ago5 months plus and still cannot use my site spy as it is too heavy and resource demanding. Been told it is being updated and yet nothing
ranzu84 Team
2 years agoWe have Updated the SiteSpy on 20th march 2022. Please update it to the latest version. Thanks
3 years agoGood afternoon. Get a discount on your extended license. thanks
ranzu84 Team
3 years agoOn the celebration of XeroChat's Birthday, we are offering the Mystery Sale only for XeroChat and its add-ons. Thanks
3 years agoI've already bought. I need to buy XeroSEO
4 years agoMay I know the difference of Visitor analytics to Google Analytics? Do they have the same function? Thanks!
4 years agoHello, how could I buy the extended license, I already have the regular one, bought a week ago.
alaminjwel Admin
4 years agoBuy extended license and we will refund regular purchase.
5 years agoVai amar ei script ta install korte shomossa hoitace. Please ektu help koren...
alaminjwel Admin
5 years agoSupport ticket kholen ekta ekhane :