v2.3 Messenger Bot User Input & Custom Fields : A ChatPion Add-on
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User Input & Custom Fields is a ChatPion add-on to make Messenger BOT more interactive.

With this add-on, you can collect data from users inside Messenger. It can be used for any kind of reservation, booking, get order, proposal submission, collect email, collect phone number etc.

What is User Input Flow?

With user input flow you can ask a single or series of questions from users inside Messenger. Once users give any answer, then the next question will be sent if there any.

These answers will be saved in the database & also can be saved as custom fields. Custom fields can be used as variables in Messenger reply.

What is Variable :

After you have saved a response in Custom Field, you can use it as a variable in your message reply to the subscriber.

How to use Variable :

To use the variable for Custom Field, write the variable surrounding by # like #Custom Field#

Change Log

V2.0 – 31st January 2022

-ChatPion v8.0 combability 

V1.0 – 21st November 2020

-Initial release 

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