You can set auto reply campaign for dark post like Facebook Ads Post or any post that want to hidden from timeline with ChatPion. Also you can set auto reply campaign by post ID (those post don't show in latest post list of that page)
Disclaimer :
We want to inform you that , Facebook Ads post that you created from Facebook Ads manager, if you have ever edited/modified your ads after creating, then this technique of ‘Set Campaign by ID’ may not work as Facebook creates different variation of your post for each time your edit. Preview post for that ads may have different ID, which leads to a wrong ID sometimes. In this case, we suggest to use “Full page campaigns” of Comment Reply Enhancers add-on.
This may also happen for some video post where Facebook may return different id than the original webhook sending id for comment of that video.
In this case we also recommend to use “Full page campaigns”.
However after using “Full page campaigns” , in report section of it, you will find the actual post id of that post . And then you can use that post id to Set campaign By Id .
See the below video how to use this option Set Campaign by ID :
Some different variation of post link:
Link1: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2156630917929731&id=1812644905661669
Post Id: 2156630917929731
Link2: https://www.facebook.com/xeroneit/posts/1110580635810080
Post Id: 1110580635810080
Social Media Management