16th Aug 2020

For Facebook live streaming of VidCasterLive add-on of ChatPion, you’ll need the approval of Live Video API feature only. You can request it from your app permission and features menu.

Demo Screencast:  We strongly recommend creating your own screencast video with your Facebook APP & ChatPion system.


Before submitting , create a user account inside ChatPion by providing access to live streaming module . This account information need to be provided to the reviewer for verification.

Content for APP Verification section:


Here is the demo login account for you to check

Login URL : https://yourdomain.com/home/login_page
Email : reviewer@ezsoci.com
Password : 123456

1. User login in the system.

2. User Import their Facebook Account by clicking "Import Account Menu" & then "Login With Facebook".

3. System will get the user account information along with pages.

4. User can then go to "Social Posting" Menu, then click on "campaign list" of "Facebook Livestreaming" section.

5. In "Create new campaign" Menu, they can input content for Live Streaming of their Video.

6. User will be able to create Live Event,Live Video Campaign & Crosspost the Live video to other pages.

7. System will create Live Event and streaming their video as Live.

Content for how you’ll use Live Video API section

This API will be used for creating Scheduled Live Event & Live Video campaign to Facebook Pages.

User can import their Facebook pages by Login With Facebook button, then create Liven Event Campaign & also upload video to live stream to their pages.  Also, user can crosspost their live videos to other pages they are the owner.

Procedure :

1. User login in the system.

2. User Import their Facebook Account by clicking "Import Account Menu" & then "Login With Facebook".

3. System will get the user account information along with pages.

4. User can then go to "Social Posting" Menu, then click on "campaign list" of "Facebook Livestreaming" section.

5. In "Create new campaign" Menu, they can input content for Live Streaming of their Video.

6. User will be able to create Live Event,Live Video Campaign & Crosspost the Live video to other pages.

7. System will create Live Event and streaming their video as Live.

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