I have created API webhook for payments, notification I can share with you if you need to add this to your product
How this work? Can we add this ourselves? Interesting to know.
There was need from my end-user to integrate to pos or e-commerce on complete order this will go to woo commerce or pos system on hotel setup, so that they don't maintain two system. Yes you can do it on your side
I will email you asap
I will delete my email now.
Can you share it as well?
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4 years agoI have created API webhook for payments, notification I can share with you if you need to add this to your product
4 years agoHow this work? Can we add this ourselves? Interesting to know.
4 years agoThere was need from my end-user to integrate to pos or e-commerce on complete order this will go to woo commerce or pos system on hotel setup, so that they don't maintain two system. Yes you can do it on your side
4 years agoI will email you asap
4 years agoI will delete my email now.
3 years agoCan you share it as well?