20th Apr 2020

What is One Time Notification (OTN)?

As you know Facebook Messenger Platform doesn’t allow to send message after 24 hours of last interaction by any subscriber.

Once any subscriber interacts with your Messenger, you have 24 hour time to send promotional message as many as you want (Don’t spam).

After 24 hours, you are not allowed to send any message (Except using some specific tag only for non promotional message.)

Here One Time Notification API is provided by Facebook to send promotional message after 24 hours window.

Source : https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/send-messages/one-time-notification
The Messenger Platform's One-Time Notification API (Beta) allows a page to request a user to send one follow-up message after 24-hour messaging window have ended. The user will be offered to receive a future notification. Once the user asks to be notified, the page will receive a token which is an equivalent to a permission to send a single message to the user. The token can only be used once and will expire within 1 year of creation

Live demo check & be notified once any sale is Started

Why it’s so important ?

After deprecated sending message after 24 hours, OTN is the only option to send promotional message now.

OTN message sending is happened in two steps. First you will need to set bot that asked for permission to send future promo message regarding any specific offer.

Later, you will be able to broadcast message to those people, have given permission for sending message.

So, asking this permission & Opt-in by subscribers are super easy. Users just need a click to get subscribed for it.

And that’s guaranteed & fully proved that Messenger has almost 95%+ open rate. So it’s hundred times better than sending email broadcast.

Just imagine, if you have 500 users subscribed for Black Friday offer or any other promotional campaign, once you broadcast them, almost 450+ people will open it.

How to use One Time Notification Features in ChatPion?

First, you will need to apply for One Time Notification Access from Facebook Pages. It’s just a click easy.



1. Create OTN Post-back id for each campaign.

                     Messenger bot -> OTN Post-back Manager -> Manage Templates -> Create New OTN Template

Then set Messenger Bot reply with OTN post-back to ask permission from subscribers.


3. After collecting subscriber’s permission, you can then create broadcasting campaign once you want.
                 Go to Broadcasting -> OTN Subscriber Broadcast -> Create Campaign


See the details video here

Cheers & Enjoy the power of One Time Notifications Features of Facebook with ChatPion.


7 Comments Login to comment

  • Hi
    Great job!

    But sincerely this is just like a half bread which is better than none

    This feature is not that so useful

    But i appreciate the efforts and time invested

    From the research level, development and to testing phase now

    Email & SMS drip campaign is 10× more important than these and should be on the top priority level pls

    As we all know

    It requires series of followups to close sales and one single message is never enough

    The drip campaign for 24hour promo doesn't give enough time for lead Nurturing

    Email drip campaigns is the solution for now and most chatbot platforms have it now
    With Automation features


    When creating drip campaign for email & sms

    Give the possibility to add or remove a user based on tags/labels and subcribe a user to another drip campaign based on label

    This is the feature xerochat needs more than anything

    I recommend you release that feature as an addon

    We are Ready to buy

    The earlier the better

    Thank you

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      Thanks for your suggestion, we appreciate it. We must think about it.


  • After the click Notify Me, you can only send to them (1) ONE broadcast and that's it?

    Then if you want to send a second broadcast promotional, you have to send them Notify Me again?

    If so, way too complicated

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      After the click Notify Me, you can only send to them (1) ONE broadcast and that's it? Yes.

      That's how Facebook has designed this feature.

    • developerguru

      4 years ago

      Well, kind of a useless broadcast feature now. This was a lot of work for you, thank you, but it seems that messenger broadcast is fairly useless, unless it's strictly transactional i guess. No idea what purpose now.

  • is this function live already?

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