If you get this message for ChatPion in Facebook app dashboard "Your Webhooks subscription callback URL has not been accepting updates", there may several reason for that.
Most cases, if your server goes down for any reason like maintenance or other, Facebook can't get any response from callback URL. In this time Facebook send this notification. If it continues for long time, Facebook may stop sending webhook callback anymore until further action taken from you.
To know more about webhook response time read here.
In this case, first check if your server is up & running.
Check your BOT, If it is working or not. If it is working then fine, don't need to do anything, just avoid the notification.
If not working, Just try by Disable BOT & Re-Start BOT , then see if bot is working or not.
If BOT still not working …
first go to Your APP dashboard.
From Left side, go Webhook menu.
First select Page option.
Click on Edit Subscription or Subscribe to this object . Put the Callback URL & Verify Token taken from ChatPion Social App settings menu, then click on Verify & Save.
Then Click on Suscribe for feed Event.
Next go to Messenger->Settings menu. Go webhook section, edit event & click on save.
Next go to Import account menu,click on Disable bot connection & Re-start bot connection again.
Now check the bot, it should work fine.
How to check webhook error log
To check the error during webhook call that Facebook got, go to APP's Messenger Tabs -> Settings , Then scroll down and go Webhook section , The click on Show Recent Errors
There may be also other reason on server level issue. Example it may happen that your server's firewall has blocked the Facebook's IP from where webhook call is coming or other DNS issue or any Proxy issue of your server. In this case, contact your hosting provider.
However beside these you should follow some best practises .
1. Don't keep EZ Inboxer & ChatPion in same domain. (If you have BOTH Software)
2. Don't install multiple copy of ChatPion or EZ Inboxer in same domain.
3. Avoid enabling same page for BOT from both ChatPion or EZ Inboxer or in both copy.
4. Check if you have any other unused Facebook APP which has the same settings for webhook
And after re-enable of the webhook it may happen that after a few minutes it get disabled again by Facebook. It may happen actually when there are a lot server error happened in last 3 days. In this case Facebook disable the webhook due to error rate in last couple of days. Facebook nowhere notify the actual error threshold. But this error log is generally cleared in 3 days. So in this case, you may need to wait for 72 hours to clear error log & re-enable the webhook.
6 Comments Login to comment
Hi. I was able to reconnect to facebook but after some time of getting my bot up and running in development mode, it stopped. I am not getting any errors both in facebook and xenechat cms but i am not getting the bot replies on messenger.
I have 2 messenger bots in development for 2 different apps. I should be able to create multiple messenger bots for different facebook apps right?-
xeroneitbd Admin
5 years agoDon't use two different apps with same settings of webhook. That's another reason for disabling webhook by Facebook .
5 years agoI have removed the web hooks from the other app and only using the web hook redirect urls in 1 app but I am still not getting the app messenger responses. I tested the callback URL in my server by clicking 'Test' on webhook page on FB dashboard but didn't see any call in the logs. There's actually nothing in the log. How can I check that there's a connection between my server and web facebook messenger?
5 years agoAlso, XenoChat allows to enable multiple Bot flows for multiple facebook messenger apps. There's a screen on XenoChat that allows you to switch on or switch off the Bot. If multiple apps are under the same facebook account, then the same webhook url will be used since XenoChat only generates 1 webhook url. Therefore the multiple apps will have the same webhook settings.
5 years agoAlso, XenoChat allows to enable multiple Bot flows for multiple facebook messenger apps. There's a screen on XenoChat that allows you to switch on or switch off the Bot. If multiple apps are under the same facebook account, then the same webhook url will be used since XenoChat only generates 1 webhook url. Therefore the multiple apps will have the same webhook settings.
xeroneitbd Admin
5 years agoXeroChat doesn't allow to enable multiple BOT for same pages. You can add multiple Facebook APP with same settings & import same account with multiple app. But you can't enable same page twice for Messenger BOT.
Social Media Management