Massive Update Coming to ChatPion!

Profile Picture ranzu84  30th Sep 2023 ChatPion

Hey ChatPion Community,

We've got some thrilling news to share with you all today! The ChatPion team has been hard at work, and we're excited to announce that we're in the process of rebuilding our software from the ground up. ?

Why, you ask? Well, technology evolves at a rapid pace, and we want to ensure that ChatPion continues to meet and exceed your expectations. Our goal is to provide you with an even more powerful and user-friendly experience, and this massive update is a significant step toward achieving that.

But here's where you come in – we value your input immensely. Your feedback is what helps us shape ChatPion into the exceptional tool that it is. We want to know what features you'd love to see, any pain points you've encountered, or any bugs that may have slipped past us. Your advice is invaluable in this process.

Please take a moment to share your thoughts, ideas, and concerns in the comment section below. Your input will play a crucial role in shaping the future of ChatPion, and we're highly appreciative of your participation.

Our commitment to you is unwavering, and we're dedicated to making ChatPion the best it can be. So, let's embark on this journey together and make ChatPion even more incredible!

Thank you for being a part of our vibrant community. We can't wait to hear from you and to bring you the best version of ChatPion yet.

Stay tuned for updates, and let's chat about the future of ChatPion!

Best regards,

Kamrul Hasan Ranzu

Chief Marketing Officer 

Xereone IT

34 Answers

  • Frans

    7 months ago

    Is it possible to add a subscription mode to Razorpay payments so that users can make recurring payments automatically.

    In addition, it is hoped that the invoice function can be added to the payment system. Currently, the application does not have any invoices. It is hoped that the situation of users needing invoices after payment can be solved.

  • MahmoudMagdy

    7 months ago

    hello there

    during my tries to add user last 30 days total comments in the Dashboard i got problem in loading Dashboard takes like 6 sec

    so I have identified a query in the system that retrieves data from the facebook_ex_autoreply_report table, and it appears that the query performance could be improved. After running the SHOW INDEX command in the phpMyAdmin console, I found that indexes are present for the id, comment_id, and autoreply_table_id columns, but there are no indexes for the user_id and reply_time columns.

    Considering the nature of our queries, particularly those involving the user_id and reply_time columns, I believe adding indexes on these columns could significantly enhance performance.

    Here are the SQL commands to add the suggested indexes:


    ALTER TABLE facebook_ex_autoreply_report ADD INDEX idx_user_id (user_id);
    ALTER TABLE facebook_ex_autoreply_report ADD INDEX idx_reply_time (reply_time);

    I would greatly appreciate your guidance and assistance in implementing these changes. Additionally, if you have any other insights or recommendations for improving the overall query performance, I am eager to hear your suggestions.

    Thank you in advance for your time and expertise. I look forward to your guidance on this matter.

    Best regards,

  • kingproo

    8 months ago

    I wanted to suggest an improvement for the application's bot, especially regarding media management in broadcasting campaigns.

    It would be very useful to add a feature that allows managing a library of images and videos. Currently, it seems that we need to add media for each new campaign, which can lead to server overload and make the process less efficient.

    Having a centralized library where we could store and reuse media for different campaigns would greatly improve efficiency and reduce the load on servers. It would also make resource management easier for users.

  • mazbot

    8 months ago

    Hello xeroneit Team

    we need to fix Broadcast sending issue ,

    when someone start broadcast for like 50k bot subscribers ,

    then other user need to use broadcast he has to wait for first user to end his campaign 

    you can fix this easy solution 

    so what if we set server to sent 500 message every cron job 

    and currently there are 4 Broadcast campaigns running in the same time so 

    each campaign get (500/4)  " total message per minute / by the total running broadcast campaigns 

    i think that will make better then now only one to sent on the server ,



  • mehdibel94

    8 months ago

    vous devez créer un module de commerce électronique complet comme Shopify

  • mazbot

    9 months ago

    we strongly need Payment Alert in WhatsApp via Botsailor  

    i mean Payment Alert in Chatpion only sent via Emails , 70% of users did not check the email inbox anymore , so we need to be via whatsapp chatbot 

    • MahmoudMagdy

      9 months ago

      that is very important and i think it's Win Win , so everyone need to have account on Botsailor

  • kaybee5000

    9 months ago

    Please include keywords reply to live on Facebook and Instagram 

  • go2tanvir

    9 months ago

    Please Focus on  

    1. Monthly Priceing ( like Botsailor )

    2. Team Member

    3. Data Pool from 3rd Party App 

    4.Comment Automation Data Limit
    5. Subscriber  Count Wiget 
    6. and remove unsed feature like wordpress, trumbler, bloger 

  • chatbot

    9 months ago

    Thank you for listening to us, this is very important for the growth of the community.

    I see all the updates mentioned by friends as important.

    But there are also some requests to make:

    1. Fix the bug when using special characters in the stream such as ''%''. If you use the % symbol in a flow, the flow disappears and corrupts the entire bot. So it is not possible to use coupons for example: ''Enjoy 10%'', when using % the flow corrupts.

    2. Add a charging method for distance/freight in ecommerce, this is very important and we only have an option for fixed shipping, we need our customers to be able to add price per km of delivery, only then will ecommerce be a success.

    3. Allow us to organize the connected pages by number of subscribers/subscribers, so we can know which page to focus more on or give due attention to.

    4. Add webhook to chatpion so we can transmit or receive data more easily.

    5. Integrate BotSailor with Chatpion or Chatpion with BotSailor. WhatsApp and an omnichannel tool would be a success.

    6. Allow importing ecommerce in bot import.

    7. Also allow importing comment templates and comment campaigns when importing the bot.

    8. Also allow importing sequences, RCN and OTN when importing the bot.

    9. Modernize live chat

    10. Add option for team and member control for our users.

    11. Allow us to offer discount coupons to our users.

    12. Integrate transparent Checkout with MercadoPago. Brazilians don't trust using credit cards as much as they do today. There is a way to use the API so that when the user completes the purchase, they transfer to a MercadoPago page where they choose the payment method: Card, PIX or Boleto. This avoids the fear of the user directly typing the card as it is today. He has the choice.

    • chatbot

      9 months ago

      Ability to enable or disable replies to Instagram stories.

  • katetan

    9 months ago


    Feature add: 

    1) able to turn on and turn off auto reply based on time of the day automatically

    2) able to rotate different comment reply under the post, because now sometimes we receive this error from facebook "You've already posted this. Posting the same content repeatedly on Facebook isn't allowed." 

    • chatbot

      9 months ago

      to solve your problem in item 2 just use spintax

  • katetan

    9 months ago


    1. Meta now is focused in "CONVERSION API" ,  hope we can add into our app : 

    Conversions API is a Meta business tool that offers advertisers a streamlined way to share data from all channels (like web, app, and physical store), and this will now include messaging from WhatsApp, Messenger and soon Instagram.With this update, you can share messaging events with Meta systems that come from a Click to Message ad on either WhatsApp or Messenger for campaign purchases and leads.

    This will allow your clients to better measure the impact of your business messaging campaign, as well as potentially improve performance with data-driven marketing. For Messenger specifically, this will also enable you to access Purchase Optimization for Ads that Click to Messenger, which is designed to help your clients drive more sales and reduce costs.

    The difference between Conversions API and Messaging Events API: While Events API is limited to Messenger, Conversions API allows businesses to share accurate omnichannel data across all messaging platforms (WhatsApp, Instagram, and Messenger) and channels (website, app, physical store). In the future, Conversions API will offer more advanced features, such as custom metrics, new full-funnel dashboards in Ads Manager, and ad optimization capabilities for WhatsApp and Instagram.

  • moneylove1101

    9 months ago

    Please improve the "live chat", add an order attaching mode for customers, integrate conversion options, we need to integrate unit conversions in Vietnam. Please refer to pancake, Facebook sales software in Vietnam.

  • kaybee5000

    9 months ago

    Please add the follwoing features. 

    You also need to enhnace some features 

    1. Reoccurring Payment for Stripe

    2. Email Autoresponder in DM automation


    3. Add more popular email platforms 

    4. Nomatch replies should not trigger in 24 hours after receiving the firs one

    5. We should be able to create a follow up flow when users refused to finish a flow.  Like when we ask for email then name in a flow but the user only send his email but did not complete the flow. We should be able to send a reminder so that they can continue from where they stop.

    6. Keyword reply to stories 

    7. Keyword reply to IG and Facebook live.

    8. Add flutterwave payment gateway 

    9. Add paystack payment gateway 

    10. Download and upload bot flows individually between different pages and IG accounts without replacing the entire setting.

    11. 1. Add more integrations like Whats app, Telegram, Tiktok

    12. Allow users to add Facebook app

  • Fananet

    9 months ago

    Thank you, team for your amazing work ! Hope you can consider:

    E-COMMERCE:  I hope you add a wallet system with admin fee commission for each order like most marketplaces and transactions in e-commerce will go to the super admin's bank account or client bank account depending on plan of membership and client choice

    Thank you!

  • apbsuhendra

    9 months ago

    Hello, I am a new chatpion customer, I would like to give you a suggestion.

    - I hope you add a wallet system, so that only super admin can add payment gateways, transactions in ecommerce will go to the super admin's bank account and clients can withdraw from their account for transactions that occur in ecommerce.

    - Add WhatsApp bot system like Botsailor

    - Add TikTok bot and auto post

    Thanks you.

  • mohamed-alyosf

    9 months ago

    أود أن أضيف هذه الأفكار

    1-استخدام Laravel في التحديث الجديد

    2- أضف التكامل مع botsailor بحيث يكون هذا السكربت حقًا شيء مثالي ويحتوي على كل شيء لأن المنافسين يقدمون تكاملًا شاملاً لوسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والواتس اب

    3- تحسين الواجهات لتكون أسهل بكثير

    4- إضافة خاصية الواجهة المتقدمة أو الواجهة البسيطة للعميل والتي يمكن التبديل بينها من الإعدادات، لأن بعض العملاء يريدون فقط إضافة رد على التعليقات، لذلك سيكون الأمر معقدًا عند استخدام الواجهة الحالية.

    لذلك من الممكن إنشاء واجهة بسيطة جدًا لتنفيذ بعض الميزات الأساسية

    5- إنشاء API شاملة لكل شيء حتى نتمكن من إنشاء تطبيق جوال، أو يمكنك إنشاء مصدر لتطبيق الجوال وبيعه بمبلغ معين. هذه الفكرة مطلوبة ومربحة.

    لأن عملائنا ضعفاء من الناحية الفنية ويريدون شيئًا سهلاً ومتحركًا لتلبية متطلباتهم

  • prasannaking92

    9 months ago

    Kindly give back the Google My Business auto-reply feature. I bought that addon, but now it is removed. actually million of business owner using GMB. 

  • MahmoudMagdy

    9 months ago

    -Auto comment need some improvement adding images , so page can use it as auto comments on Ads with Screenshots from Customers reviews

    -Adding comment reply for the user second reply

    -Adding comment reply for each image if post has multiple images ( optional some users ask for it )

    -adding Auto reply template manager with Bot export and import as option when exporting

    -making any exported CVS support UTF-8 for Arabic users

    -Clone full bot or flow from Facebook to Instagram

    -Clone full bot or flow from Facebook page  to anther

    -E commerce  export & import also backup and restore ( when page Face any problem user must delete store and start from scratch )

    -E commerce custom domain

    - Live chat improvement need to support Arabic letters from conversion loaded  also show images etc.

    -RCN way to ask users close to expire OPT-in token to sent them renewal ( token last for 6 month )

    - for extended user some improvement in Package Manager able to make one Package and set it to quarter or annual with discount 10% or 20%  & Discount codes

    -add limit for comment reply for each Package also show usage in dashboard

    -improvement in Pages - Subscribers/Page way to users to bulk delete useless subscribers ( has no phone , email ,E commerce or custom field data  also see usage on dashboard

    that's for now soon will add more in next comments , thanks for this opportunity .

  • Frans

    9 months ago


    1. Regarding the appearance of the new version, it is recommended to keep it simple and clean without too many colors. Currently popular software basically has a simple design style. If you need to use multiple colors, try to use bright colors instead of dull colors to reduce the current gradient color.


    2. The problem of lighter and faster, the speed of processing system, and the problem of robot reply speed, especially sending video is very slow, I hope it can be improved.

    3. In addition, for the database part, when the amount of information in the Bot flow builder is relatively large, it will take a very long time to click to save the Bot flow, and there is no prompt that it is being saved. Sometimes the user can directly save it if it has already been saved. Exit, the results are not saved successfully. Hope this can be improved.

    4. In addition, for files uploaded by users, it would be better if you can choose to use the S3 object storage function to upload to other servers instead of script servers. It will also make the system lighter and reduce the burden on the system.


    【Enhance current functions, as well as new functions】

    a), in the current (no matching reply), we hope to increase the limit on the number of replies that can be made within 24 hours, so that the (no matching reply) function can be better controlled, which will be more practical.

    b), at the same time, we also hope that the e-mall can be upgraded to make the functions of the e-mall more complete. The first is the appearance design of the store. The current appearance design is no longer in line with the design style of the times.

    c), Secondly, in terms of transportation, different transportation prices should be formulated according to weight and region.

    d), in addition, there is the problem of notification after customers place orders on e-commerce. Currently, new order notifications sent to store owners are not working. I have reported it, but the issue has not been resolved. Then there is the customer notification part. I hope that by default, when the user does not set up his own smtp email notification, the system will use the system's smtp email by default to notify the user of new order notifications.

    e), Custom domain name: Users can use their own domain names in e-commerce

    f), I hope the (Live chat) function can be optimized. The current chat interface cannot display a lot of content, such as emojis, button widgets, media images, etc. I hope to imitate the chat interface as close to messenger as possible.

    g), you can add Facebook Live functionality. Mainly used by customers selling products on Facebook Live. The specific functions are as follows:

    The live broadcast function can be connected with the electronic mall. Before the live broadcast, the user needs to set the products to be put on the shelves during the live broadcast and set keywords, such as (A). When a user introduces a product in a live broadcast, the anchor can ask customers who want to buy the product to enter the keywords for purchasing the product in the comments (A) or the customer enters (A+3). At this time, three quantities of the product will be automatically added. . At this point, the system automatically adds the product to the customer's e-store shopping cart. And send a private message to inform the customer that the item has been successfully added to the shopping cart and the current price and quantity of the shopping cart, etc. (More importantly, the function of automatically adding customers to the customer's shopping cart based on customer review keywords does not require the user to go to the electronic store and click the add to shopping cart button.) Finally, until the live broadcast is completed, The anchor can send another checkout button and send a private message to all current customers who have entered the keyword to purchase the product, asking the user to checkout, and send the name and price of the product currently in the user's shopping cart. Finally, the user can click checkout directly. Payment.

    In addition, there is a lottery function, which allows you to check whether users have commented on certain keywords and share live broadcasts to allow customers to participate in the lottery. Winning customers will receive private message notifications, etc. The lottery part needs to have the visual design of a turntable, and the anchor can share the lottery results. Animation effects live.

    h), a team member management system is also necessary. Currently, whenever my clients need us to help them create a flow, the users must share their chatpion account with us before we can log in to their account and create the flow.

    i), in the Bot flow builder, I hope to add a real-time preview of the user's current flow and a process of replying in the actual messenger. You can refer to manychat's approach in Bot flow builder. This will make it easier for novice users to understand chatpion's Bot flow builder process and production methods earlier.

    J), e-commerce integration: Synchronizing WooCommerce products to messenger e-commerce does not mean importing WooCommerce products into e-commerce, but synchronizing them, which will provide better gameplay.

    K), add WhatsApp bot, it is recommended that it would be more convenient to add a series of meta products to chatpion, including bots for other channels. (I remember you said before that you would introduce WhatsApp into chatpion, but it would be integrated with BotSailor and completed using BotSailor's api) Whether it is an independent WhatsApp plug-in or using the BotSailor api, we can accept it, it is better than nothing.

    L), add more advanced analysis functions, allowing users to more clearly see the usage and data analysis of all functions (here for advanced analysis we can add plan quotas, which can only be used if the user's plan supports advanced data analysis)

    Framework preference: You should consider whether it is better to use CodeIgniter or Laravel in future development, as well as the simplicity of operation. If using Laravel will be more convenient for future development, you can use Laravel. In the same way, CodeIgniter should be used if it is of great help to future development, because we do not want to suddenly change the framework in future development, causing other problems to occur, especially affecting the user's data.

    Therefore, if there is a need to change the framework now or in the future, I suggest changing the framework directly now. As for Laravel, I am personally familiar with Laravel, and I believe that most people are also familiar with Laravel.

    • Frans

      9 months ago

      There is also an important part about the User Input Flow function. I hope a new function can be added. When we set up User Input Flow, we can set the robot to automatically send another message if the user does not reply within 24 hours.

      For example: the robot asks a question and (your email?) the user does not reply. Then 3 hours later, the system detects that (your email?) has not received a reply from the user and sends another new message.

      This feature exists in manychat and can accomplish many other tasks. Hope you can consider adding it.

  • mazbot

    9 months ago

    what about make way to share one app with multi system or domains , if facebook app approval continue like that will be nightmare for new users so that will reflect Chatpion sales

  • Fananet

    9 months ago

    Thank you, team! Hope you can consider:

    1- Please add the Team Member adding and managing system

    2- Add more admin control in plans: features, api sms/email access, subscribers limit, disk usage and quota limit by plan......

    3 - Custom domain: users can use their own domain in e-commerce 

    4 - E-COMMERCE SHIPPING: More advance shipping fee (Zone, Cities..)

    5- Make powerful E-commerce System With Apis and theme customization something like Shopify.

    6- Booking Manager System: Establish a comprehensive booking management system.

    7- Leads and contacts management system with a pipeline & funnel builder. 

    8- Add more integrations like Whats App, Telegram, Tiktok...

    Thank you!

  • looksweb

    10 months ago

    Please add the Team Member adding and managing system.

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      9 months ago

      Ok, Thanks for your suggestion. We will hopefully do it gradually soon.


  • Freelance_Corner

    10 months ago

    1. Please use Laravel for ChatPion it's better for future chatpion 

    2. E-commerce Integration: Shopify platform.

    3. Add a User Role system: like Admin, Moderator, Editor and there is a permission system 

    4. integration with BotSailor 

    5. Improve Ai Addon 

    6. custom domain: users can use their own domain in e-commerce 

    7. Leads and contacts management system with a pipeline & funnel builder. 

    8. Add a yearly plan discount system 

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      9 months ago

      Ok, Thanks for all of your suggestion. I really appreciate you to give time to improve ChatPion. We will hopefully consider them.


  • looksweb

    10 months ago

    ChatBot issues:

    - The default No Match Template is not working.

    - Email collects from chat answers with an error message.

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      9 months ago

      I believe these are working fine. If you still face problem, I would suggest to contact our support desk please. We will check what's wrong in your end. And we will try our level best to help you.


  • looksweb

    10 months ago

    One of our beta users reported these to us.

    Vulnerability Report 01: Failure to invalidate session on Password Change

    Weakness: Insufficient Session Expiration

    Description :

    I observe that when we change the password from one browser in place of the session

    Expire from another browser it just updates the password from another browser and

    the old session got updated without being logout

    Steps to check Session Management issue On password change :

    1- login From two browsers at a time [ From Chrome browser and Mozilla

    Firefox ]

    2- Change the password in the setting from the chrome browser

    3- Now Check Mozilla Firefox

    4- Your Session Got Updated in place of the expiration


    If a Session is Updating From One Browser Others Should Expire First to renew the session after login.


    If the attacker has a user password and is logged in different places, As other sessions are not destroyed, the attacker will still be logged in to your account even after changing the password, cause his session is still active. A malicious actor can completely access your account till that session expires! So, your account remains insecure even after the changing of the password.

    Vulnerability Report 02: Failure to invalidate session on Password Reset

    Weakness: Insufficient Session Expiration


    I observe that when we change password from password reset from one browser

    in place of session Expire from another browser it just updates the password from

    other browser and the old session got updated without being logout

    Steps to check Session Management issue On password reset:

    1- Login to your account in one browser.

    2- Generate a password reset link in the second browser for the same account

    3- Open the password reset link in the second browser and change the password.

    4- Your Session Got Updated in place of expiration in another browser.

    Recommendations :

    If a Session is Updating From One Browser Others Should Expire First to

    renew the session after login.

    IMPACT :

    Logging in with the new password doesn't invalidate the older session either: I could browse Liberapay using two sessions (in two different browsers) that were initiated using two different passwords.

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      9 months ago

      Ok. I got it your point. Yes, currently don't destroy session upon password change. We will do it in future update.


  • engsayedwafa

    10 months ago

    Please add the ability to respond to second-tier comments as an option when enabling keyword responses. Also, please add an option to stop the bot when a response comes from a page admin.

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      9 months ago

      Ok. We are considering it.


  • stano

    10 months ago


    Please add :

    - the new stripe checkout for ecommerce and plans (I paid a developer to have it)

    - Improve ecommerce UX (products page)

    - Improve the translation (french) because it very bad and It takes weeks even months to correct them one by one.

    Thank you.

  • Oworock

    10 months ago

    I have some suggestions to this.

    1. Please the platform is a marketing platform, so as the owner of the platform we should be able to market the platform from within. So I'll suggest you add a mailing system into the software so we can mail our users based on their usage. Example, of a user is using a free version, paid or a particular package, we should be able to mail them using those variables within the platform. I know there is a support for acellemail and the rest, but they are not as reliable as using our platform itself.

    2. Please add Flutterwave payment gateway for Africans.

    3.Ability to copy Facebook flow to Instagram and vice versa. This will make our bot uniform over the two platforms.

    4. Ability to use coupon codes for packages, this will help in marketing the platform and this will make it more profitable for both of us.

    5. Please add a thank you page to the subscription flow, so we can use pixel to know who actually reach the subscription page when marketing the platform. The thank you page may just be for 3 seconds before referral to another page, but please add. 

    Most of my concern about the platform is on marketing side, the platform is not robust enough for market as a saas product, so this is the time to put this into consideration.

    Put how you want us to market into consideration please, this will make a lot of us to use the platform and also be able to subscribe to support without any stress.

    • ranzu84 Team

      9 months ago

      Thank you for sharing your valuable suggestions with us! ? We appreciate your insights into how we can enhance the marketing capabilities of our platform. Your feedback is important, and we'll certainly consider these ideas as we continue to improve ChatPion.

  • jayone6

    10 months ago

    A way to manage leads and contacts also a funnel builder 

  • katetan

    10 months ago

    Thank you, team! Hope you can consider:

    - Please kindly do not change the entire look and feel of the interface unless there is a need to improve certain parts. The interface look is already good enough. Users have gotten used to the dashboard and for us recording the entire tutorial video again takes A LOT OF time and effort. It does not make sense to change it entirely. We do appreciate for improving backends. Thanks for consideration

    Features Request:

    - Copy and paste bot flow individually between different pages without replacing the entire setting. Besides using import and export postback for the full-page

    - Remove unused elements in the bot flow builder. If one account does not have an e-commerce add-on, is it possible to hide the e-commerce from the bot builder?

    -. Action button setting available in bot flow, but also available in action button template. It creates confusion

    - Adding default avatar picture if the profile image of the page or profile of subscribers is invalid, so it does not buggy

    - RCN does not reply anything if one subscriber clicks the same RCN subscribe button from the second time onward. Please let us set a message if one subscriber clicks the same RCN subscribe button second time onward

    - Sending sequence based on "label" Able to send sequence msg by filtering subscribers with a label or send sequence to subscribers without a label

    - No match keyword reply in messenger only triggers/sends once in every 24 hours timeframe


    - Export-Import Bot: when importing the bot, all default settings are also imported to the bot manager. If delete the default setting from the bot manager, then the action button will not work anymore.

    - Adding a symbol like "%" and with certain word combinations will cause the bot error.

    - This kind of error shows very frequently without knowing why.

    - Unscriber button is not working after the subscriber clicks on the unsubscribe button to unsubscribe from a sequence


    • ranzu84 Team

      9 months ago

      Thank you for your valuable feedback and suggestions! ? We truly appreciate your detailed insights into how we can improve ChatPion while keeping the interface user-friendly and consistent. We're taking all your points into consideration to make the platform even better. 

      Thank you again, stay tuned for the update.

  • khem024

    10 months ago

    Thank you Chatpion Team for your efforts.

    1 Software part: 

    1. Add more integrations like Whats app, Telegram, Tiktok

    2. Add features to add a custom domain for users in the e-commerce part.

    3. List all the bugs that the community raised in the group and fix all of them.

    4. Update the way to get Facebook app approval as most of the community users are saying that it is getting hard to approve the Facebook app.

    2. Revenue Par

    1. For one time Keep renewal fees for existing chatpion users about 50%  less or around $ 15-19. It helps you to get more users to renew your Chatpion so more revenue for you. I know It is very hard to manage a good team and that needs cost and time.

    2. You can also decrease the cost of an extended version for a certain period and let existing users change the regular version to an extended one.

    • ranzu84 Team

      9 months ago

      You're welcome, and thank you for your valuable suggestions!  Stay tuned for updates, and feel free to reach out with any more thoughts you may have. Your feedback is important to us! ??

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      9 months ago

      Wow !! Nice idea. I really like these. Thanks again for giving your time. We will discuss with our team surely.

  • Chatpion

    10 months ago

    Make ChatPion All-in-One Online Marketing Solution ChatPion

    1.Please use Codeigniter than Laravel for ChatPion

    2. Add More Local Payment Gateways: Implement local payment gateways we desperately need upon request for both ChatPion membership package subscriptions and Ecommerce to cater to our specific market needs. This will enhance convenience for our users while expanding the platform's usability. Since the platform is WhiteLabel and controlled by you guys, kindly assist as in integrating our preferred payment gateway for our local market.

    3. Enhanced AI ChatBot Features: Utilise Pinecone or langchain API for advanced AI capabilities, enabling longer context-rich conversations or (better data saving into database) to Improve user engagement with smarter algorithms for understanding intent, accurate responses, and more importantly personalised e-commerce products recommendations.

    Alternative Context Sources: Allow users to provide context from alternative URLs, files like PDFs, and other sources, improving the versatility of interactions.

    Voice Integration: Integrate Whisper API for voice interaction, accommodating users who prefer multimedia or voice-driven conversations.

    Image Integration: Explore image integration using GPT-4 to enable image-based commands, providing a more immersive and hands-free experience.

    Diverse LLM APIs: Consider integrating foundational models beyond OpenAI to offer diverse AI functionalities.

    4. Expanded Multi-Platform Social Media Integration: Integrate and Extend integration to include platforms such as Telegram, WhatsApp, TikTok, Google Messages, SMS and WebChat. This ensures a cohesive ChatBot presence across diverse communication channels.

    5. Personalized E-commerce Domains: Provide support for custom domains specifically tailored to E-commerce interactions to Facebook, Instagram e-commerce and potentially other social media channels like Telegram and WhatsApp. Users gain the ability to create a professional and trustworthy E-commerce experience directly on their social media accounts, akin to a Shopify-like store.

    6. Empower Users for Monetization: Enable users to create ChatBots that can generate income, fostering an ecosystem of monetizable chatbot interactions. This feature will increase the platform's attractiveness. users can offer trial conversations and upsell premium packages. This innovation empowers our users to derive financial benefits from the platform, enhancing overall user retention. I recently encountered a Chatbot on Telegram and WhatsApp that notify me to upgrade for more conversations. Please consider this capability in Chatpion for Facebook and Instagram accounts.

    7. Please incorporate a better local SMS gateway in addition to post and get methods for an affordable alternative to SMS marketing by integration requested ones from our side.

    8. Additionally, keep the Integration of Acelle Mail and Mautic to enable cost-effective email communication. This integration should allow us to send autoresponder and broadcast emails to the addresses gathered from ChatPion ChatBot interactions

    • ranzu84 Team

      9 months ago

      Thank you for your comprehensive suggestions and feedback!  Stay tuned for updates, and feel free to reach out with any more thoughts or requests you may have. Your support means a lot! ??

  • MahmoudMagdy

    10 months ago

    Thanks for the awesome work as usual from team

    We need some ways to manage and optimize our database like ways to help user bulk deleting useless bot subscribers (has no phone, email, custom field or e-commerce data) 

    Over the months database getting bigger that need more powerful vps resources to handle 

    Also bot subscribers broadcast sent (table) need to delete old data from it

    - also team members and coupon discount & package discount 

    -limit users comment reply for each package monthly 

    • ranzu84 Team

      9 months ago

      Thank you for your kind words! We're delighted to hear that you appreciate our efforts to enhance ChatPion. Your feedback motivates us to keep striving for excellence. If you have any further suggestions or questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. 

  • kingproo

    10 months ago

    Enhanced User Experience: Aim to provide a more intuitive and seamless experience for users.

    Enhanced User Profile in Live Chat: Integrate a log similar to ActiveCampaign's, capturing dates for each user tag, recorded payments, and actions. The goal is to offer a richer and more detailed customer history.

    Advanced Team Member Management: Implement a system that allows granular access control for team members. For instance, specific permissions for support or payment tasks.

    Billing System: Adopt a billing mechanism akin to OVH or ManyChat, facilitating clients in downloading their invoices and aiding in our accounting processes.

    Direct Integrations: Integrate Google Sheets, Pabbly, and Zapier directly, eliminating the need for an intermediary JSON API.

    Theme Optimization: Introduce a fresh theme, focusing on decluttering, especially within the "Comment Growth Tool" section.

    E-commerce Integration: Incorporate a system mirroring our WooCommerce setup into the Shopify platform.

    Wait Step Feature in Bot Configuration: Implement a feature that allows a set delay before the bot sends a new message to customers. This is distinct from a Messenger sequence system.

    Split Testing in Flow Builder: Integrate a split testing feature, enabling clients to test specific segments without redoing the entire test sequence.

    Booking Manager System: Establish a comprehensive booking management system.

    Poll Manager in Bot Template: Integrate a poll management system directly into the bot template for enhanced user engagement.

    Integration with BotSailor: Offer the capability to link the system with BotSailor, the WhatsApp automation system, especially if a white label purchase has already been made.
    Framework Preference: Whether we choose CodeIgniter or Laravel, it's much of a muchness. The primary focus should be on delivering an excellent user experience.

    • ranzu84 Team

      9 months ago

      Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and feedback! We truly appreciate your input, as it helps us improve ChatPion and make it even better for all our users. If you have any more suggestions or questions in the future, please don't hesitate to reach out. Your support means a lot to us!

      Warm regards.

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