ChatPion(ChatPion 8) has already been released

Profile Picture ranzu84  29th Jan 2022 ChatPion

Dear valued customers, 

We are thrilled to announce that the revolutionary update of ChatPion(ChatPion 8) has already been released. In the update, we have included the Flow Builder, the visual drag and drop bot building editor, in the ChatPion as a feature. That is, the flow builder is no longer the add-on of ChatPion, but a feature of the ChatPion. 

But we have made the condition component of the Flow builder an add-on. We are giving the add-on(condition) out of cost to the customers who bought the Flow Builder before as an add-on. 

To get the condition add-on totally free for Visual Flow Builder buyers, go to the following link and download the add-on.

If you face any problems, please comment on this forum's comment area.

See chagelog here

Update 13.02.2022

We have released ChatPion Version 8.0.8


- Update issue of Action Button Settings : After please, you will need to delete the bot settings & enable again for those who have already got the error. We know for that bot data will be removed, but it  happened for newly enabled pages. So accept this situation.

- User input condition for label assign issue fix

- Facebook posting multiple image support (5 images)

- Messenger engagement plugin edit using flow builder issue loading inside Iframe.

- Corrupted queries for User Input add-on version 1.5 for few servers

- Subscriber Broadcasting campaign create loading error.

-Subscriber Broadcasting campaign create undefined variable issue


Update 07.03.2022


- PHP version 8 support

- Login with Facebook issue fix

- Ecommerce coupon apply issue

- Formatted data for email of Webview & User input flow

- Action Button Settings flow display in Visual bot flow list.


Stay Safe and well. 

All the best, 

Xerone IT Team. 

84 Answers

  • ahyaha

    2 years ago

    we have in our page 323,425 conversations but even we migrate all of them, ONLY 167000 subscribers are available. How to solve this problem in chatpion 8? 

  • appoodeh

    2 years ago

    When trying to set comment automation campaign for a scheduled post by it's id, I have always and error "Object does not exist, cannot be loaded ..." 

  • ahyaha

    2 years ago

    The broadcasting show is loading as you see in the photo without showing the exact number of targeted fans ... why? 

    Check the photo 

    • ranzu84 Team

      2 years ago

      The problem has been fixed. Please update to the latest version. Thanks

  • ahmedisam1

    2 years ago

    There are a lot of problems with Bot flow builder

     And I updated to the latest version, but the problem was not resolved. I created a very large template for a client on my site, and as a start, Trigger keywords were used, and now after a month has passed, the client asked to modify and add an Action Button

    Get-started template

    I cannot use it now and the template was deleted and the customer did not request the renewal of the subscription due to a problem. Please solve the problem as soon as possible

  • ahyaha

    2 years ago

    When I tried to send a postback message via live chat to some subscribes I got this message

    Error (#10) Message failed to send because another app is controlling this thread now

    What is the problem ? and how to solve it?

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      This message seems very clear that the page is also managed by another bot app which is set as primary listener through Facebook handover protocol. Check by going to your Facebook page's settings of Advanced Messenger settings. And check what's the primary listener. If there other app, then remove it & make your ChatPion app as primary listener.


  • Habib210

    2 years ago

    Hi Team

    I updated my script now and I noticed that the visual builder addons and Instagram chatbot addon was removed 

    when I upload the addons again it says successfully uploaded and you can activate from here 

    but there is no link in the here word

    any help please 

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      You don't need to upload or install again because visual flow builder & Instagram messenger or DM bot is given with ChatPion as default.


  • katetan

    2 years ago

    Hi the condition is not working if putting it inside sequence:

    Is this a bug?

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Condition will not work inside sequence message sending. This isn't bug but expected behavior at this moment.

    • MahmoudMagdy

      2 years ago


      i think condition able to work with lables  and work with Sequence to 

    • katetan

      2 years ago

      Hi any plan we can enhance the sequence function? like adding conditions to send msg to those with certain label and able to send sequence to those user without a certain label?

      This is highly requested function from many users. Thanks

  • katetan

    2 years ago

    Currently, the no match template will reply every time when user keys in a keyword that didn't match. It will create another problem that users reply to us then the bot will pop out no match every time. In manychat, can set time like "once per 24 hours" so it will only trigger at the first time. for example:

    please consider adding the time frame function to no match template, otherwise, this function is useless. Thanks 

    • Team

      10 months ago

      Okay thank you for your advice we will look into it.

  • hero08

    2 years ago

    - Sequence messages statistics (sent, delivered, subscribed, errors) are not working, even buttons clicks count associate with sequence messages.

    - quick replies statistics are not working also

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      I just checked in my end. It's working fine. Not sure about your problem.

      For quick reply statistics, if you select previous created postback or classic postback, it will not count. It will count after creating new postback by new flow builder. We have checked & working fine.

    • hero08

      2 years ago

      May be because the sequence I'm using is old. I mean I have created it before you launched the statistic add-on.

  • hero08

    2 years ago

    - Sequence messages statistics (sent, delivered, subscribed, errors) are not working, even buttons clicks count associate with sequence messages.

    - quick replies statistics are not working also

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      I can see it's all working fine. I have just checked in my end creating new sequence


      Please contact support desk for more details of your issue to check.


    • hero08

      2 years ago

      May be because the sequence I'm using is old. I mean I have created it before you launched the statistic add-on.

  • hero08

    2 years ago

    there is bug with sequence flows. you can not link a postback with a sequence using you mouse.

    Also some sequences are not assigned to user automatically.

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Couldn't understand, please describe in more details , screenshot or short video would be great to understand.

  • hero08

    2 years ago


    Please consider fixing this error asap:

    I go this error when I tried to save a flow linked to an Action button (Messenger Engagement Plugin : link)

    when I remove the action button the flow is saved, but when I add it again and try to save I got the error.

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Please try to change the reference code as it may duplicated.

      After changing reference code if the problem exist, open a support ticket please.


    • hero08

      2 years ago

      It's not duplicated

      I'm using different reference codes

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      In this case contact support desk please providing details of your issue & credential of your system to reproduce in your end with FTP access.

  • hero08

    2 years ago


    Labels are not assigned to users!


    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      It seems happened for PHP8 version compatibility changes. We have found it & going to give the update very soon.


  • hero08

    2 years ago


    In User input Flow, if you choose the reply type to be date, datetime or time it will not be triggered and in error logs I get :  (#100) The URL provided is not whitelisted for messenger extensions

    Please Fix ASAP!

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      For this error white label the application website on for that Facebook page.


    • hero08

      2 years ago

      All my domains are white listed.

      I'm asking for appointment date with this user input flow. there is no website involved in this flow.

      Please explain more if I miss understood someting!

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Date field use webview to collect data. So webview is a form in html file that is actually a link of your own website where Chatpion installed. So whitelist your ChatPion domain for that pages.


  • katetan

    2 years ago

    May I ask

    1) can we load more live chat from Chatpion dashboard instead of the certain limit of live chat available with the certain number of subscribers ?

    2) This is a highly requested function from many users which Manychat is able to do that but Chatpion cannot. ( Have requested many times but still haven't see it in the plan, hope the team can consider it .

    We are able to send sequences to subscribers whose "DID NOT" click on certain postback instead of only being able to send who clicked postback. Because in real life, we want to send a sequence for follow-up users who "DID NOT "click the postback we sent so we can remind them again. Appreciate for your consideration. 


      2 years ago

      this is achieved with the "action" function I have also asked for this function even MMIO already has this function it is a modified version of chatpion, hopefully the team will make an addons with new features for the flow generator.

      PS: We are also waiting for the team function.

  • hero08

    2 years ago

    I go this error when I tried to save a flow linked to an Action button (Messenger Engagement Plugin : link)

    when I remove the action button the flow is saved, but when I add it again and try to save I got the error.

    Please Help

    • aifabio

      2 years ago

      here too

    • hero08

      2 years ago


  • hero08

    2 years ago


    2 years ago

    Please add into next update:

    It would be very appreciated if can add an email notification to the admin when a user creates a ticket or reply to the ticket inside the extended license - ticket support function. So far admin won't know when the user creates a ticket or reply a ticket. 

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Ok, We will check the matter.


  • ahyaha

    2 years ago

    There is a problem in assigning labels automatically. the system is not adding labels if labels were assigned to postback!!! 


    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      I just doubled checked in my by clicking postback button . Label assaign is working fine.

      Please give details step of how you are getting this step.

    • hero08

      2 years ago

      Same problem here!

      Labels are not assigned automatically

  • xeroneitbd Admin

    2 years ago

    ChatPion Version 8.1 has been released:

    - PHP version 8 support

    - Login with Facebook issue fix

    - Ecommerce coupon apply issue

    - Formatted data for email of Webview & User input flow

    - Action Button Settings flow display in Visual bot flow list.


  • odins

    2 years ago

    After a password reset, login with new password got rejected. New created accounts does not have this login issues.

    I've already submit a support ticket about this issue.

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Password reset should work fine , Please double check you are putting same password you gave given as new. Otherwise it should work.

  • ahmedisam1

    2 years ago

    In Repost Manager

    There are templates

    Unsubscribe form

    Resubscribe form

    We need to remove or turn this off after the last update. I cannot remove or delete the template. Please solve the problem of all my customers who are not satisfied with this and it appears on their pages. I completely deleted the bot from the page and reactivated it, the same problem 

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      These are system created postback for action button type. It will be there as expected.

  • katetan

    2 years ago

    Report problem : 

    1) User input flow webhook problem. When we use webhook to send user input flow data, only the first question data of user input will be sent , from second question onward are not sent any data through webhook  . is it a bug?

    2) In the same flow, we could only place one user input, if we create 2 user inputs then the second user input has a problem to auto reply. 

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      1.After completing the full user input flow, all data will be sent. Is it behaving something different ?

      2. I didn't check the matter yet, Will check it as soon as possible.


    • katetan

      2 years ago

      1) For user input, only the first question will be sent through webhook, but second question onwards all  the answer of the question are not sending through webhook anymore. please check thanks

    • katetan

      2 years ago

      Any udpate?

  • katetan

    2 years ago

    Hi after the user fills the form, the account user email will get email notified. However, the form data that appear inside the email is not human-readable like :

    Possible to make the code of form data nicely presented in a text form or table form? At least normal user will easy to read . 

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Yes, We have get some request on this matter. As we send JSON data at this moment. But we are considering to send human readable data in next update .

      Cheers :)


  • Oworock

    2 years ago

    A big challenge: we can't follow up users who registered with their Facebook account again because they don't have email but only Facebook ID.

    Kindly look into this issue. Thanks

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Yes, We have already make a work around about this issue. In next update this matter will be sorted out.


    • Oworock

      2 years ago

      Thank you. We will be expecting an update.

      Also, please consider adding the payment gateway so our African clients can have another option different from Paystack.

  • Designer_River

    2 years ago

    Dear chatpion there is a bug i have been reported since version 7 in flow builder and you told me it will be fix in version 8 but still there

    That if you creat user input flow builder then you creat condition then you creat another user flow builder after that in the second user input flow you will got only the first question the second question will not showing in the messenger so this need to be fixed

    • ahyaha

      2 years ago

      Yes .. also we faced the same limitations .. we need a fix

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      We will check the matter as soon as possible.


  • ahyaha

    2 years ago

    What happens with the problem of de-assigning labels? I talked with support and no one replies to me for 1 week ... Please provide better customer service and respect our time and your customers needs  

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Already fixed & update is given.

  • andres_nava

    2 years ago

    Right menu on Visual Flow builder for INSTAGRAM, have Menu Options that are not supported, FIX ASAP, is affecting USER EXPERIENCE, and We Are Getting Bad Reviews for that.!

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Already fixed & update is given.

  • mo7ammedgaber

    2 years ago

    In instagram flow builder in the menu in left click menu and short cut menu there options that not support instagram flow builder they need to be removed

    Image Screen shot url:- >


    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      It's fixed. Please update to current version 8.0.9 will fix the problem.


  • aifabio

    2 years ago

    Is it already possible to comment replies on instagram reels?

    • ranzu84 Team

      2 years ago

      If the reels are posted as a story, you can use the story comment reply options for Instagram


    2 years ago

    I have a problem with the custom field in the sequence.

    When I set up the sequence, it seems that the system forgets the value of the custom field and the user gets the name of the empty custom field.

    Note: this is happening to me in the instagram streams.

  • katetan

    2 years ago

    Hi team, possible to make the profile always available instead of a broken image?

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Facebook's profile link that given by Facebook has a validity period. As far i can i remember it's 3 months or 6 month. Not sure exactly.

      However by syncing leads will get new image again.

      In past we have option to download image in system to avoid this link expired matter. But later we found that saving image of each subscribers taking too much space in customer's server. That's why we have removed that downloading of profile picture.

      Thanks for understanding.

  • ahyaha

    2 years ago

    There is a problem you did not fix in the recent update

    PROBLEM: if the subscriber has a label and we want to delete it IT DOES NOT DELETE AND is STILL IN HIS OR HER LABELS!!! even if we saved the changes !!

    Fix this, please

    • ahyaha

      2 years ago

      Also when we tried to delete the label from labels section we found this error: 

      DataTables warning: table - Ajax error. For more information about this error, please see

      So we can not delete the label from subscriber nor from the labels section 

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      I have checked assigning & de assigning label in our end. It is working fine.

      To check the issue in your end, we need to check your system. Please open support ticket providing details step of the issue, account login access & FTP or Cpanel access to check the matter.


    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      About Label De-assign : We have managed to reproduce the issue in our end. We are working on to fix.

      About 2nd issue: Still we are not sure where it is & how to reproduce. So please give more details.

    • hero08

      2 years ago

      Same problem here.

      Check out the video to understand the issue more :

      Please Fix this ASAP!

    • ahyaha

      2 years ago

      The problem in the script not from our end as other user faced the same problem 

  • ahmedisam1

    2 years ago

    Hello, I have a problem with Bot flow builder

    I have 3 templates ready and I need to install 3 templates on my page

    Without deleting the main update v8.0.6

    I could have installed 3 ready-made templates without deleting all bot settings

    I wrote to support, but they did not understand my words, I will send you a video explaining this

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      You can install one template only. Multiple template installation isn't supported.


    • ahmedisam1

      2 years ago

      لكن في التحديث v8.0.6 كان يعمل بهذا وقمت بتثبيت أكثر من قالب واحد في صفحتي ولدي عملاء يحتاجون إلى هذا ، يرجى إعادة زيارة الخدمة

  • xeroneitbd Admin

    2 years ago

    Hello Everyone,

    We have released ChatPion Version 8.0.8


    - Update issue of Action Button Settings : After please, you will need to delete the bot settings & enable again for those who have already got the error. We know for that bot data will be removed, but it  happened for newly enabled pages. So accept this situation.

    - User input condition for label assign issue fix
    - Facebook posting multiple image support (5 images)
    - Messenger engagement plugin edit using flowbuilder issue loading inside Iframe.
    - Corrupted queries for User Input addon version 1.5 for few servers
    - Broadcasting campaign create loading error.
    -Broadcasting campaign create undefined variable issue

    • MahmoudMagdy

      2 years ago

      What will happens for users did not want to delete bot settings now

      And i will update the system also what if there any user has action button issues and i didn't know 

      Also if i make bot backup then delete all settings after updating restore is it will work safe

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Those who have recently enabled bot will have this problem actually. Old bot will not have problem.

      So i hope it will not be a big problem.

      And this is the solution to delete bot & enable again will solve the issue after update.

    • MahmoudMagdy

      2 years ago

      So after update they have to remove bot settings and make them again

      What is they export and import bot settings after i update the system 

    • katetan

      2 years ago

      Hi Team, may I ask if I havent update anything for now (still in version v7.2.9), so if I updated all together now to the latest version version 8.0.8, will I face any issue like need to delete bot setting and data will be deleted like you mentioned?

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Hi katetan ,

      No, You don't need these steps.


    • aifabio

      2 years ago

      it takes a lot of work to remake the bot, the situation is to export and when it imports it already corrects what better means as calls. This is complex and it is impossible to have to keep redoing it

  • alnibrass

    2 years ago


    webview not working from mobile in Classic editor, I need to change to web URL to work and button of eCommerce " buy Now " when adding as postback not working

    but from laptop working, please can check it


    • alnibrass

      2 years ago

      any update ??? webview not working in moblie 

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      It seems like issue of loading webview in mobile Messenger ? This solution should work


  • hero08

    2 years ago

    Please Answer me!

    Hi Chatpion team!

    I have a request regarding Json API connector.

    Here an example json date sent :



    "psid": "40945677245148",

    "subscribed_at": "2021-12-03 11:30:38",

    "first_name": "Joseph",

    "last_name": "Adil",

    "email": "",

    "user_input_data": [


    "question": "what's your favorite color?",

    "answer": "Blue"



    "page_id": "10132589123963",

    "page_name": "Test Page",

    "phone_number": "",

    "birthdate": "0000-00-00",

    "user_location": "",

    "labels": "AdComment_Subscriber"



    1- I don't know why email is not sent with the data (even though is already saved in a custom field and in a system field).

    2- Please add the ability to send custom fields data (related to the page to Json API is connected to)

    3- the "user_input_data" doesn't contain all the data collected, it has only the data collected from a particular user input.

    can you make it like this :



    "Test User Input 1":[


    "question": "what's your favorite pet?",

    "answer": "dog"



    "question": "what's your favorite color?",

    "answer": "Blue"


    "Test User Input 2":[


    "question": "what's your first name?",

    "answer": "joseph"



    "question": "what's your last name?",

    "answer": "Adil"



    "question": "where do you live?",

    "answer": "America"




    Where "Test User Input 1" and "Test User Input 2" are the names of the created user input flows RELATED to the facebook page selected in the Json API connector settings.

    And for each user input flow we get all the question and answers provided by the user.

    Thanks in advance!

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      We will check the matter in future.

      About email field, not sure. I will check in our end if there any glitch or working.

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      I can see email is sending correctly if the email address is collected for that user.

      Please make sure if that subscriber has email address collected by the system either quick reply or user input & save in email system field.

  • odins

    2 years ago

    Facebook saved templates not shown up in admin...

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Can you please share some screenshot or video what actually happening, so i could understand better.


    • odins

      2 years ago

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      If it's on other categories ?

      Check in All categories option select.

      If still same issue, please open support ticket providing application login access of the admin.

  • aifabio

    2 years ago

    When will we have more social media options for rss auto feed?

  • alexdumachevwork

    2 years ago

    Automatic replies in instagram do not work. Support in response just threw off a video on the setup. Why do I need a video if everything worked before

    Also, the mailing of messages to Instagram does not work, there is an endless download.

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      If you have already created support ticket, then describe the issue in details if it not solve , support may goes delay due to complexity of the issue & we have to go for many tickets recently .So we really expect all of your patience. Everything will be fine gradually.


  • ahyaha

    2 years ago

    the condition reply is not working and the support team did not help me to fix the problem 

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Weekend is running, please keep patience to get reply from support desk.


    • ahyaha

      2 years ago

      You took more than 3 days without and solution to the problem ... Our time is wasted and we encourage you to improve your response to customers and solve their problems faster 

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Please keep patience. I have checked that we have replied already few times. However some technical issue or bug may take more time to fix depends on the complexity.

      Thanks for all of your patience.

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      We have found the issue as it's happening only for label condition. We have fixed it, we will give the update very soon.


  • MahmoudMagdy

    2 years ago

    hi when i make Get started i got this error in new pages connected to my system

    please help in this ASAP

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      For new pages, are you creating new flow or editing from action button settings ? Can you please provide a video from scratch what step you are doing & where you are getting this error, so we could reproduce in our end to fix the matter.


    • MahmoudMagdy

      2 years ago

      Craiting bot from scratch btw check the same eror on

    • MahmoudMagdy

      2 years ago

      for video check support Ticket #10558

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Ok, Weekend is running now. We will check the matter as soon as possible & fix it shortly.


    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      We have found the issue & already fixed it. We will give the update very soon.

      Stay tuned !


    • hero08

      2 years ago

      Please reply to my post below

  • hero08

    2 years ago

    Hi Chatpion team!

    I have a request regarding Json API connector.

    Here an example json date sent :



    "psid": "40945677245148",

    "subscribed_at": "2021-12-03 11:30:38",

    "first_name": "Joseph",

    "last_name": "Adil",

    "email": "",

    "user_input_data": [


    "question": "what's your favorite color?",

    "answer": "Blue"



    "page_id": "10132589123963",

    "page_name": "Test Page",

    "phone_number": "",

    "birthdate": "0000-00-00",

    "user_location": "",

    "labels": "AdComment_Subscriber"



    1- I don't know why email is not sent with the data (even though is already saved in a custom field and in a system field).

    2- Please add the ability to send custom fields data (related to the page to Json API is connected to)

    3- the "user_input_data" doesn't contain all the data collected, it has only the data collected from a particular user input.

    can you make it like this :



    "Test User Input 1":[


    "question": "what's your favorite pet?",

    "answer": "dog"



    "question": "what's your favorite color?",

    "answer": "Blue"


    "Test User Input 2":[


    "question": "what's your first name?",

    "answer": "joseph"



    "question": "what's your last name?",

    "answer": "Adil"



    "question": "where do you live?",

    "answer": "America"




    Where "Test User Input 1" and "Test User Input 2" are the names of the created user input flows RELATED to the facebook page selected in the Json API connector settings.

    And for each user input flow we get all the question and answers provided by the user.

    Thanks in advance!


    2 years ago

    In ChatPion's LinkedIn account import, the system only imports user accounts. Business needs the post on LinkedIn Company pages.

    So I request XeroneIT team to add this feature: when we import LinkedIn accounts, LinkedIn pages are associated with LinkedIn personal accounts to be imported at a time (just like FB pages). And API should have that permission to post (Also Media Post: Image/Video) on LinkedIn company pages.

  • MahmoudMagdy

    2 years ago

    recently after update V8 some of my user can't make payment with myfatoorah

    just when he click on button system redirect him to payment canceled

    i found that happened only for customers who has no email only ID ( login by Facebook)

    how can this fixed , thanks

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Ok, We will make a work around for this as soon as possible,


    • MahmoudMagdy

      2 years ago

      Any updates for fix 8.08 in payment using myfatoyrah

  • katetan

    2 years ago

    1) Please let us load more subscribers available to live chat instead of limiting the number of subscribers showing from live chat.

    2) Sending sequence follow-up msg with the condition: for example "only send sequence who DID NOT click on certain postback " so it makes sense to follow up those subscribers who did not click further instead of sending everyone. 

    Hope the team can consider adding to the coming update. Thank you 

  • ahyaha

    2 years ago

    1. There is a problem with the labels system ... when I add a label for any subscriber manually and press save it is saved but when I delete it, it is still there even after I save changes!!! 

    2. There is a problem in assigning labels automatically. the system is not adding labels if the user sends a trigger keyword attached with start flow that has a "label" ...

    Fix these 2 problems 

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      1. We are checking the matter.

      2. Currently expected behavior. Label will be assigned for button click actually. Keyword trigger will not add label.


    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      1. We have just checked, seems de-assigning label also working fine. If you face problem, please open support ticket providing all details to check the matter.


  • ahyaha

    2 years ago

    Before upgrading to Version 8, the conditional reply was working well, but now when we add the conditions, the bot is not replying accordingly .. It is not functioning even the user meets the conditions!

    Fix that also please

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Contact support desk please providing details where it's not working & all information to check the issue.

  • Julius

    2 years ago

    You have already released 3 new updates but still, the issue of uploading on a multimedia post still exists. I can't still upload more than 1MB of photos.

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      I think there is a settings in general settings for uploading size limit. Anyway if that doesn't work, contact support desk please.

    • Julius

      2 years ago

      My upload size limit is 5MB. Even your demo account, it's not working. This is not an issue before V8 then It should be resolved here in forum. It's a bug from V8

    • Julius

      2 years ago


  • Julius

    2 years ago

    I tried to log in with Facebook then it changed my email on my profile,

    then when I try to log in using my email and password, it's an error

    the sad part is I tried to log in with google then it creates a new account. :(

    so 1 account for login with google and 1 account for login with Facebook.

    Complicated :(

    why not create a separate database for email and FB id? so that we can use login with Facebook and log in with Google.

    or Please think of the best solution.

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      This is expected behavior.

      If you signed up with Facebook login, then need to login with Facebook each time. Not with email password.

      If you login with google, then you must login with google each time.

      If you signed up via email password, then need to login with email password.


    • Julius

      2 years ago

      For me, That's not a good idea. It will create confusion to all. One of the use of login integrations is to sync an account when there's already an account on the system. But our app is creating an account for each LOGIN?



  • Julius

    2 years ago

    About messenger plugin, Is it possible to make it easier to copy the link on the same page of flow builder list? Because whenever we create a messenger engagement plugin on flow builder, we required to go again to messenger plugin page just to copy the link/code.

    Or just make a way to make it easier to copy the link/code when we create messenger engagement plugin.


    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Ok, We will consider it in future update.

      We appreciate your suggestion.


  • ahyaha

    2 years ago

    Messenger Engagement Plugin is not adding reference links to chatbion links using visual flow builder ... Fix that!

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Not sure what you actually talking about. But here you will find all list of created Messenger Engagement Plugin


    • ahyaha

      2 years ago

      When we use this feature inside visual flow builder, the system is not adding the link to the list !!!! 

      You have a problem in the system ... fix it 

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Ok, I have checked & seems like there is a glitch. We are checking debugging the matter & will fix as soon as possible.


  • NVXGroup

    2 years ago

    We cant edit facebook user. Screenshot:

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Yes, We know it. Signup with Facebook user can't be edited currently . We will see the matter.


    • MahmoudMagdy

      2 years ago

      Also how we can use master password to login for account create from Facebook login not working also so we can't help our customers 

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Yes, Master login also doesn't work for Facebook signeup users. We will make a work around that also in future.


    • Julius

      2 years ago

      Is it possible to have a username? So that users without email can use username to login? Also, login with facebook without email will save their name as username. 

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Yes, We are working on it.

  • MahmoudMagdy

    2 years ago

    Hello there are bug in login by Facebook

    If user already has accout and he tried to llogin by Facebook system Dublicate his accound so same user same info same id and if old account with email its replacement with id 

    System deleted his email from old account 

    • MahmoudMagdy

      2 years ago

      here is image for user

    • MahmoudMagdy

      2 years ago

      BTW all user setting and bot setting is disapared after this happned , is there any way to disable login by facebook until this fixed ?

    • MahmoudMagdy

      2 years ago

      ?important must read?

      i found bug after update , so i have to know is it on my system only or happend to all

      one of my user was regsiterd from 3 month before Fixing login by facebook if no email error 

      so his account created with facebook account and his email 

      to day he tried to login so the bug is system create new account with Facebook ID only and changed his old account removed his mail and add same id !! Check imge also all his bot setting not found ,

      i hope this bug fixed ASAP i know it's week end but every minue some user will lost his data 

      i delete login by facebook manual so i think this is the only sloution for now Good luck all and please test and tell me

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Changing email to Facebook id is expected behavior & designed like that for Facebook signup.

      Duplicating the user seems strange. We couldn't reproduce in our end.

      In this case delete the newly created account. And tell the user to login again to check the matter if it's again duplicated or working fine.


  • jbain

    2 years ago

    Hi guys, great update. Would like to draw to your attention that the chart and the slider on dashboard is wrong sided and also "dashboard/index/system" no longer shows the system dashboard.

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Please describe it bit more what actually talking about. I couldn't understand.


  • andres_nava

    2 years ago

    Issue Switching to Instagram Bots , Infinite loop, and don't load Settings., just work if I select the account.

    • NVXGroup

      2 years ago

      Its bug from edge and extension

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      It looks like completely customized interface. I am not sure what happened there. Please revert back our default system & check if there issue exist or check in our demo if there issue. Then we can check the matter.


  • leviscoca

    2 years ago

    i face this issue with live chat: 

    There is any idea?

    • leviscoca

      2 years ago

      you’ll have 24 hours time period to send your reply.

      Facebook is currently working on a special permission type called Human Agent tag which will extend this time to reply to 7 days

      how to gets implemented so we can start using it.

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Human reply tag is already available. And you are sending the message with that tag also. Make sure to get approval of that Human Agent tag permission from Facebook app.


  • ProelToch

    2 years ago

    I face issue with flow builder, can't save 

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      What error you have got ? Please share screenshot.


  • NVXGroup

    2 years ago

    Still not fixed from 11.06.2021... Ticket: #8367

    ERROR - 2021-06-11 00:15:00 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined offset: 0 application/controllers/Messenger_bot.php 256

    ERROR - 2021-06-11 00:15:00 --> Severity: Notice --> Trying to access array offset on value of type null application/controllers/Messenger_bot.php 256

    ERROR - 2021-06-11 00:15:00 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined index: first_name application/controllers/Messenger_bot.php 264

    ERROR - 2021-06-11 00:15:00 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined index: last_name application/controllers/Messenger_bot.php 265

    ERROR - 2021-06-11 00:15:00 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined index: locale application/controllers/Messenger_bot.php 267

    ERROR - 2021-06-11 00:15:00 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined index: timezone application/controllers/Messenger_bot.php 268

    ERROR - 2021-06-11 00:15:00 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined index: gender application/controllers/Messenger_bot.php 269

    ERROR - 2021-06-11 00:15:00 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined offset: 0 application/controllers/Messenger_bot.php 1136

    ERROR - 2021-06-11 00:15:00 --> Severity: Notice --> Trying to access array offset on value of type null application/controllers/Messenger_bot.php 1136

    ERROR - 2021-06-11 00:15:00 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined offset: 0 application/controllers/Messenger_bot.php 1197

    ERROR - 2021-06-11 00:15:00 --> Severity: Notice --> Trying to access array offset on value of type null application/controllers/Messenger_bot.php 1197

    ERROR - 2022-02-01 06:59:46 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined offset: 0 application/controllers/Messenger_bot.php 252

    ERROR - 2022-02-01 06:59:46 --> Severity: Notice --> Trying to access array offset on value of type null application/controllers/Messenger_bot.php 252

    ERROR - 2022-02-01 06:59:46 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined offset: 0 application/controllers/Messenger_bot.php 253

    ERROR - 2022-02-01 06:59:46 --> Severity: Notice --> Trying to access array offset on value of type null application/controllers/Messenger_bot.php 253

    ERROR - 2022-02-01 06:59:46 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined offset: 0 application/controllers/Messenger_bot.php 254

    ERROR - 2022-02-01 06:59:46 --> Severity: Notice --> Trying to access array offset on value of type null application/controllers/Messenger_bot.php 254

    ERROR - 2022-02-01 07:21:24 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined index: referral application/controllers/Messenger_bot.php 1659

    ERROR - 2022-02-01 07:21:24 --> Severity: Notice --> Trying to access array offset on value of type null application/controllers/Messenger_bot.php 1659

    ERROR - 2022-02-01 07:21:24 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined index: referral application/controllers/Messenger_bot.php 1661

    ERROR - 2022-02-01 07:21:24 --> Severity: Notice --> Trying to access array offset on value of type null application/controllers/Messenger_bot.php 1661

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      For which action you are getting this error ? Or it's server log error ?

      Is this caused any functionality broken ?


    • NVXGroup

      2 years ago

      Its from cronjob. Check my closed ticket for more information. 

  • MahmoudMagdy

    2 years ago

    Hello i was posted in group about system email encoding not working with Arabic litters

    And you told me in next update and i think you forgot this

    When i user submit custom field and flow campaign bot admin get email

    Any one know where to change encoding to UTF-8

    Because Arabic letters 

    Check group post here

  • Julius

    2 years ago

    Userinput multiple choice can create unlimited options , it was also saves successfully, check this, 

    but I got this error from FB.

    I think max of 10 is allowed right?

    Please Add also a remove button on options. Thanks

    • ranzu84 Team

      2 years ago

      We will fix this problem in the next update.

  • odins

    2 years ago

    Php error in acces theme manager area... its already mentioned on FB community

  • hero08

    2 years ago

    Hi Chatpion team!

    1- When you go to : /messenger_bot/bot_list

    then select a facebook then scroll down and click on user input flow in the menu.

    then click on "List" ,  I should see only user input flows linked to that page not all.

    2- there is no way to delete a user input created using flow builder, even if I remove the user input element from my flow, it still appear in the user input list.

    3- User input flow that I created using flowbuilder before the V8 update are duplicated (appears 2 times) in the list.

    Hope this will be fixed soon.


    • hero08

      2 years ago

      Please check the image to understand better :

      1- those user input flows belong to diffrent pages, so I sould see in the list only those related to the selected page, not all of them.

      2- As you can see in the image, there is no delete button next to user inputs created inside the flow builder, even if I remove them from the flow they still appear in the list.

      3- Flows you see in the image with the same color are duplicated, I don't know why, but they only those created using the flow builder and before I updated to version 8 (those created using the classic builder and those created after the update using the flow builder are not duplicated) 

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      1. Will check the matter.

      2. That should be fixed from last update.

      2. Duplicating flow looks bit surprising. Please contact our support desk providing details if there duplicating on going & check the matter how we can reproduce the issue.


  • Julius

    2 years ago

    On Social Posting, the Multimedia posting link is this, Can you change this link? because it also posts on Facebook not only on Instagram.

    Also, on Multimedia Posting, the page automatically chooses a page, I think it's better if you can show all campaigns then users will be the ones to filter the campaign by page/post type because when I first go to that page, there's no campaign showing cause it was filtered by page automatically. This is the same with the CTA pot & carousel post.

  • katetan

    2 years ago

    API channel menu shouldn't be the top. Only advance user will use integration, should put at the bottom.

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Ok, We will think about that in future.


  • NVXGroup

    2 years ago

    /messenger_bot/bot_list > OTN Postback > Edit postback - not load iframed view

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Designed changed. It's not for browsing directly now.

    • NVXGroup

      2 years ago

      Im open this via menu... 

    • NVXGroup

      2 years ago

      Please check edit OTN:

  • NVXGroup

    2 years ago

    Can you back this links?



    Its only one if(). I dont want use for this bad switcher ig/fb.

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Designed changed. It's not for browsing directly now.

    • NVXGroup

      2 years ago

      /bot_list exist in menu... Please back /fb /ig for this. 

      Im use seperated menu for instagram and facebook. 

    • geneboss

      2 years ago

      Please backlink the following: 




  • Julius

    2 years ago

    When using Live Chat and sending a message using postback, #LEAD_USER_FIRST_NAME# is not working? Is that a rule or a bug?

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Not sure yet, We will check the matter as soon as possible.


    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      We have found the issue & fixed it. Update will be given very shortly.


  • hero08

    2 years ago

    Hello everyone!

    ‏- I tested json api connector and it's not working.

    ‏- Labels appears now in user input drop down menu but custom fields don't.

    ‏- when you set a delay to your message in flow builder it doesn't always appear in the top of the message card.

    ‏- In live chat user profile image for both Facebook and instagram are not showing.

    Hope this will be fixed soon.

    Thanks guys for all your efforts! 

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      JSON API connector is fixed & update is given.

      user custom fields seems working in our end after the last update, if you still face problem, please contact our support desk.

      Delay image is also showing in our end. Please open a ticket describing the issue.

      IG & FB profiles are different. IG doesn't have profile image as not given by API as far we have seen.

  • DhandsomeB

    2 years ago

    Suggestion:  Allow Social Posting as the Page Name (rather than your personal Facebook profile name)

    For group posting:  Allow user to select who is posting (which admin, Page name, etc) rather than the personal Facebook profile name.

    • Team

      10 months ago

      Okay we will look into it. Thanks for your suggestion.

  • Julius

    2 years ago

    REQUEST: Whenever a user image or page image is expired on any pages, Is it possible to bring it back to the default image? check this 

    Also, for me, it's better if these buttons  must be on center because they will be hidden when editing something and you want to save it. Yes, we can close the block or Ctrl + s to save the flow but it will save us a few seconds to save the flow if it will be on the center.

    xeroneitbd Admin

    2 years ago

    A new update has been given.

    - Postback manager and whitelisted domain are back.
    - Undefined index issue fix if messenger engagement is selected in action buttons.
    - Custom field in user input add fix
    - Extra character in url button fix
    - Broadcasting page select fix - add-on
    - Some minor fixes.

    If you face problem or find bug, please comment with details description.


    • Julius

      2 years ago

      Thank you XeroneIT Team. :)

  • Designer_River

    2 years ago

    In user input flow if i choose multiple option its start with 1 quick reply and add more or have to start with 4 ?

    And after condition if i add input user flow the the flow will stop after the first question in messenger

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      You can add 1 or any number between 11.

      Are you talking it's not sending message or asking question ?

      It should send message. Not sure the exact fact in your case. Explain in bit more details or a video screencast of the issue, so we could understand.

      Before that check your bot error log, if there any error message.


  • MahmoudMagdy

    2 years ago

    Thanks a lot chatpion team for fixing bugs super fast ??

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      You are welcome, We are trying our level best.


  • leviscoca

    2 years ago

    Subscriber Manager does not show Name

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Because they are not yet bot subscribers. Please migrate to bot subscribers using option icon & then you will find the option to migrate.


    2 years ago

    One issue I found a few days ago in Google My Business auto-posting. It's not working even after updating the script.

    The campaign showing completed but the campaign couldn't be posted on the Google My Business page.

    Throwing Error as:

    /localPosts: (400) Request contains an invalid argument.

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      We will update GMB add-on as soon as possible as Google changed some of their API. We will check it.


  • leviscoca

    2 years ago

    No comment template for IG or missing? Thanks

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Couldn't understand you.  Comment template for IG is available in your screenshot. It's same for Facebook & IG. What's the problem ?

  • Julius

    2 years ago

    Bug on webview and web url

    refer to this post:

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      We have addressed the issue & fixed it. We will provide update soon.

      Thanks for notifying.


  • Designer_River

    2 years ago

    Are you gonna bring postpack manager and white list domin manager back because we need it so much

    Thank you

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      Yes, We are bringing back it.


  • Oworock

    2 years ago

    When are you adding Flutterwave?

  • ahyaha

    2 years ago

    Before upgrading to V8.0, we have thousands of fans who got labels and NOW there are no labels at all!!! Also, the new version doesn't add labels automatically if we assign labels in the flow builder ... please help and fix the problem.

    Muraduzzaman Konok When i tried to open the cronjob link for background scanning in my chrome browser i found this database error .. please take a look and let me know what should i do

    You asked me to open a ticket. Please help me

    • ahyaha

      2 years ago

      Before upgrading to V8.0, we have thousands of fans who got labels and NOW there are no labels at all!!! Also, the new version doesn't add labels automatically if we assign labels in the flow builder ... please help and fix the problem.

      Muraduzzaman Konok When i tried to open the cronjob link for background scanning in my chrome browser i found this database error .. please take a look and let me know what should i do

      You asked me to open a ticket. Please help me

      See the error via this link

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      It's because your server got error during updating & update isn't done correctly. Please contact support desk , if already contacted please keep patience. It may need manual update for your system. We appreciate if you renew your support pack for ChatPion.

  • orjiakor

    2 years ago

    Can't find the inbuilt FLOW Builder after the update

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      It should be in Bot Manager.

  • ahyaha

    2 years ago

    We need the classic postback 

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      We are working to bring back it as soon as possible.


  • Julius

    2 years ago

    Where can we see postbacks and whitelisted domains?

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      They are removed as not needed much now.


    • NVXGroup

      2 years ago

      Remove postback is bad idea. 

      - Postback send feature in live chat

      with this, I can make a lot reply-templates only in live chat. 

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      2 years ago

      We are working on to bring back postback manager as soon as possible.


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