ChatPion Big Update in Early 2021 Roadmap

Profile Picture xeroneitbd  29th Dec 2020 ChatPion

Hello ChatPionters,

Happy New Year in Advance, 2021

Update 18.01.2021 : V5.3 has been released in auto update, Details here.

Wish you the very best for all of you in the upcoming days.

As you know we have developed ChatPion with a great dream to make this product top of all with many multi-channel marketing features. There are a lot of features available in ChatPion. Each feature can have the ability to become a good single product. But we keep all of them in one to make ChatPion special.

We are continuously working very hard to fulfill our dream & help you by giving more & more features. In this upcoming update, we have mostly focused on Ecommerce Store & Food Ordering System. Besides we have also improved a few things in BOT settings.

Let me give you a summary of the upcoming new features of 5.3 by early 2021

1. SMS Broadcasting Delay Option: We are giving the option for setting a delay for each SMS to send in SMS bulk broadcast as we found some SMS gateway has a very low limit of sending per minute or second. So to avoid this issue for an individual provider, we are giving the delay option.

2. User Input Flow Campaign Export-Import: We are providing the feature to export & import user input flow campaign [Add-on] inside BOT Export Import feature of ChatPion. Now during Messenger BOT Export, corresponding all user input flow campaign will be also exported. When importing, a new user input flow campaign for the new page will be created & assigned.

3. Easy Messenger BOT Setup for E-commerce Product: Previously you needed to setup E-commerce product as a carousel by inputting name, title, price or image manually. Which was a very tedious job that we can feel. Now this option is also available as you can set up anything like that as you want. But for specific E-commerce product, we are giving an option to just select product from drop-down to create the carousel or generic template which will make your Messenger BOT builder for E-commerce store very easy. Check details here

4. Medium Posting with User Token: As Medium has removed the option for developers to create an APP for authorization by your users, they are providing a user token for each user instead. So we are fixing it by giving the new option to manage Medium posting by User Token.

5. LinkedIn Posting Issue: There was an issue with Message Content with break & quotation. We have fixed this issue & will be released very soon.

Restaurant Food Order & E-commerce Store:

6. Facebook Page Optional for E-commerce Store: At this moment Facebook page selection is mandatory during creating Ecommerce store. We are going to make it optional. Facebook page is not anymore needed to create Ecommerce store. Ecommerce store or Restaurant store can now operate independently without needing any Facebook page connection.

7. Table-Wise QR Code: This is the most requested feature for the Restaurant food ordering system. Now vendor can create a different contactless QR Menu for each table or counter. This actually for pickup point. That can be used not only for Restaurants but also for physical product stores for each pick-up point. When scanning the specific table or pickup point QR code, during checkout or submitting an order, the specific table number or pickup point will be selected automatically. Check details here

8. E-commerce Store Theme Color Selection: Now vendor can select their color for each store. By default, it's a Blue theme. Then you will be able to change the theme color for each store individually. Check details here

9. Font Selection for E-commerce Store: Vendor can set font from a list of available fonts (Arial, Garamond, Georgia, Helvetica, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, and Verdana) for each store differently. By default Trebuchet MS is set.

10. Product Single Page Image First: We have redesigned the product single page a bit to make it attractive. We have put the image of the product at the top.

11. Guest Purchase: Another big request from our clients was the Guest Purchase option. So customers can submit an order outside Messenger without signup or login. This Guest Purchase feature is helpful for Restaurant Food orders submitting from a table. Check details here

12. Product Attribute Value Exclude: There was a big problem in attribute selection for products. The vendor had to create a different attribute for each product if their attribute value was different but with the same name. As an example, Color is an attribute. Attribute value may be Blue, Red, Black, White, Green etc. Now each product doesn't have all these color values. Shirt may have Black & White only whereas Pant may have Blue & Black. In this case, Color attribute isn’t sufficient for both Pant & Shirt. The vendor was needed to create two different attributes with different values.

In this update, we are solving this issue. Now you can exclude any attribute value in product settings. So you can exclude other colors for Shirt or Pant that may be available.

This feature available only in the product price variation add-on

Check details here

13. Category Image: Now vendor will be able to upload a category image. Store home page has been redesigned again where the category filtering link displays the category image to make it more attractive.

14. Signed-up Customer Lists: As you know from the previous version, the ChatPion Ecommerce solution can be set up outside Messenger as a regular web-based application. So customers can sign up to submit their order. These customers weren’t displayed in ChatPion before. Now the vendor can see the external customers list of their store. The vendor can change password of the customer at this moment. On the external customer's side, reset-password isn’t available. Hope, in future, we will provide it. Currently, the store admin has permission to change on behalf of the customers.

15. Add to Cart Modification: Now vendor can enable or disable "Add to Cart" button for each store.

16. Buy Now Button Modification: Now vendor can enable or disable "Buy Now" button for each store. Also, the "Buy Now" button can be renamed with anything you want. As an example in the Restaurant, we can use "Order Now" instead of "Buy Now".

The purpose of this "Add to Cart" & "Buy Now" button disable option is for users who want to use the system just for contactless QR menu, don’t want to order online. For this reason, we have given all the options as per your needs.

17. Product Grouping: For product display, now you can set Category-wise display or just product-wise.

18. Category Ordering in Menu: If any vendor sets category-wise product display, you can reorder Category by drag & drop to display as per your desired order. Check details here

19. Product Viewing: We are providing two ways of displaying products: List view and Grid view. You can set it for each store. By default, the List view is enabled for all stores.

20. Product Ordering in Menu: The vendor can set product display ordering in various ways. There are five options that are available to display products by ordering with Ascending or Descending. These are Product Title, New Product, Price, Total Sales and Random.

21. Order Schedule: Now vendor can enable future order time limit. As an example for Restaurant, the vendor can enable tomorrow’s order. So customer can order & select the date of tomorrow for delivery. The vendor has the option to enable or disable the schedule delivery option & setup the desired time limit.

22. Preparation Time: The vendor can enable/disable to display preparation time for products. It’s helpful for Restaurant food ordering. The vendor can set a global value for the full store for all items & it can be overwritten from each product. So both options of global & product-wise preparation time setting are available.

23. Business Hour Settings: The vendor can setup business hours for each store & also has an option to set always open. If the business hour is set for each day, then the customer can’t submit any order outside business hours. This is very much necessary for Restaurant food ordering.

24. Ecommerce Store Widget: We are giving a simple way to embed Ecommerce store on other websites by putting an iframe code easily.

25. Payment Gateway: We are adding two more payment gateways both for ChatPion service selling [Extended License] & Ecommerce Store.

           a. MercadoPago for Latin America
           b. SSLCOMMERZ for Bangladesh
           c. SenangPay for Malaysia
           d. Xendit for Indonesia
           e. Instamojo for India

26. Product Import from CSV File: Now you will be able to import products in ChatPion Ecommerce from a CSV file.

27. Delivery Modification : Vendor can now enable or disable Home Delivery as like as can enable disable pick up point delivery.

These are the start of 2021, we will try our best to bring more & more exciting features through out the whole of 2021 as much possible. We believe, you never regret staying with Xerone IT.

In 2021 we have a lot of plan in development.  We are exploring & planning on some more exciting stuff like
1. Messenger BOT Flow Builder .
2. Telegram  BOT .
3. Complete Booking System  etc.

We don't have any ETA yet on these, but we are optimistic to bring them as soon as possible by 2021.  

Once again, best wishes for 2021 & many thanks for staying with Xerone IT.

Have a great New Year, Best of Luck & Stay Safe!

Best Regards
CEO, Xerone IT

38 Answers

  • JFOC

    3 years ago

    is the complete booking system still coming on 2021?

    • miraz Team

      3 years ago

      2021 already end. we are expecting in next year.

    • JFOC

      3 years ago

      But its seem not on 2022 upcoming features

  • riadkafalgazal

    3 years ago

    This is great news, but there are a few things to work on

    In XeroChat Flow builder, we can't specify the number of monthly usage for each customer per package which is a bit intimidating

    I want to control it for me

    Also, a simple new proposal that will not take you much time. I modified it on my site from the database, but I had a problem with language navigation

    A copy of Post-back manager should be placed in the Comment Automation menu. My users have encountered a problem with the navigation that it is unclear where it is because they only use simple features and do not like to explore.

    Also a proposal with which I faced a big problem

    I use Spintax in the comments and use over 100 options

    In a word I am creating Spintax and it takes me a lot of time

    I suggest creating Spintax templates given by Admin

    I told you a lot of improvements, I don't know if I found it good, but it solves problems for more than 15 of your clients. I know them and I am among them.

    My clients are having trouble with the enabled Auto reply posts and other steps

    Many steps and some clients are not very good at dealing with technical tools and this is not good in the user experience and also the user interface so far all the developers who have modified xerochat have not found a good mod that cares about the user experience

    I hope the xerochat team will tell us when he can take care of this. We can all buy a shape plugin

    I feel that xerochat is only designed for people who are good at marketing but a lot of people are not good at that and you are not hiring marketers for this.

    I have a simple suggestion why we shouldn't do this

    Imagine we are enabling the enabled Auto reply posts

    Now we have a window

    Would you like to use a reply template

      Do you want to use saved Comments template?

     Do you want to enable offensive comments?

    Select a message template for private reply

    Choose labels

    Now I will explain each option

    ************************************************ *************

    Would you like to use a reply template

    There is in this option yes or no

    If yes, the usual steps now

    If he chooses, do not show the options that I will talk about now

    ************************************************ *************

    Do you want to use saved Comments template?

    In this option there are two buttons the first. Generic message for all

    The second is: Send message by filtering word / sentence

    If you choose Generic message for all

    Below appears only a list of comment template selection

    Then it complements the other options

    We also want to use more than one template in this option, if possible

    If there is a comments template that is set by default this is better

    If you choose Send message by filtering word / sentence

    It shows two lists

    In the beginning a box, select the keyword and then the two lists

    First, list, select Comment Template

    The second list, select Select a message template for private reply

    ************************************************ *************

    the second choice

     Do you want to enable offensive comments?

    If selected, yes, it specifies the offensive comments template

    If he chooses no, of course nothing happens

    ************************************************ *************

    the third option

    This option appears only if the user selects Generic message for all

    Appears to mark the message as usual

    Select a message template for private reply

    This is a suggestion that I hope to work on, even if this is a new addition

    Some friends who are at xerochat might wonder why they would make this improvement

    Now at first I use Spintax and I'm really good at dealing with it, but not everyone is good at it, so I made a template option for comments

    Also why do we put templates instead of the current settings

    In fact, if I post too frequently, these settings take me a long time, imagine spintax with me, it will take time.

    Also, activating the other options will take time

    Also, there is a problem with Full page campaigns when I activate

    Full pageresponse and I publish posts repeatedly on my page without entering xerochat and without activating Auto reply posts I have a problem with Facebook and it gets blocked

    I do not know what the reason is, but I tried not to activate the Full pageresponse option and activate the posts from within xerochat, and I have not been banned from Facebook, and I also hope that there is a solution to this. The comment templates solution may solve this matter

    Of course, if we select more than one comment template here, no one will be blocked

    Also, there are some people whose message box is locked

    These people are not answered

    I saw some people responding to him with a comment telling him that his message box was closed

    How can we activate this

    Thanks for reading xerochat

  • RyanMelo

    3 years ago

    Sir Muraduzzaman Konok please may I request to add the TAP Payment Gateway so we can use XeroChat Store in GCC.

    Also the payment gateway use in the Philippines please.

  • awatahmad

    3 years ago

    Hi XeroneIT Team,

    I suggest to adding the limited option for the customers just like chatfull (its by Users) or its by number of comment replies  

    Thank you :)

  • ZanDaph

    4 years ago

    Hi XeroneIT Team,

    I suggest to have catch up message in a bot.. like if it is inactive for 5 minutes, it says

    " Hi there! I noticed you have been inactive for some time. Is there anything else I can help you with? "

    Thank you :)


    4 years ago

    As it is not possible to have a custom domain in the xerochat store, it will be possible to have a friendly URL.


    This option should remain in the store configuration panel, the user when configuring the store has the option to configure the URL of the store

    I hope that at least this is possible.

  • Tex100

    4 years ago

    HELLO Team 

    i want to integrate our local payment gateway, is there any guide for this?  since its not included i have to find a developer to help me integrate it. (2) how about the update? around when can it be released?


    4 years ago

    An important function for xerochat to be more complete is the notification function within the platform when it receives a new order, a sound is activated and an alert arrives. I know an email will arrive, but it must be in real time.

  • RyanMelo

    4 years ago

    I would like to request this payment gateway from https://tap.compamy it's the most popular in GCC Countries, I'm working here in Kuwait that's why I know and we are handling more than 200 companies most of them are in Food & Beverage Industry.

    This tap payment gateway is really great on ecommerce store so that we can market our service also in GCC.

    I asked in the group about it and someone is willing to add it for 150$,it will be better if it will come to your end.

    Thanks a lot and keep safe

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      Ok, We will check it .


    4 years ago

    Hola, ¿podría considerar agregar un control deslizante de fotos, que se puede usar para agregar un banner publicitario?


      4 years ago

      367 / 5000

      Hi, could you consider adding a photo slider, which can be used to add an ad banner?**

  • gobashu

    4 years ago


    Good move by Xerochat team, looking forward to this update soon from your end. All the Best.

    Also, if you can consider one more suggestion from my end which is very important for the people who are using this application for their own food store/eCommerce store. 

    Using Xerochat customers will order food, make payment online & the cash transactions are made by using a specific payment gateway whose transaction settlement will be carried out in 2-3 working days or more than that depending upon the payment gateway. Which I feel a slight drawback for the people who are running a food store based on daily transactions because they can't wait for the amount to get settled out in their bank account, Instead if you guys can add UPI payment method so that the transactions will be settled instantly and usage of this application in all the countries will be grown. 

    I have seen most of the store owners across are denying to use this application because of this delay in the transaction settlement & payment gateway fee. Also, most of the street food owners will not have specific documents to apply for the gateway.

    I hope you will consider this suggestion and try to implement as per your convenience.

    Thank you

  • ZanDaph

    4 years ago

    Hi XeroneIT Team.. Could you please include also the Webform for import export settings not just for custom flow? Thank you :)

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      Thanks for your suggestion. We will consider in future hopefully.



    4 years ago

    I have reviewed the demo of the new update, but I see that the Mercadopago option that was used is from Brazil, but that when it is configured you can choose the country, since here is

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      No worries, Country selection option will be available in the configuration inside XeroChat for Mercado Pago.


  • andremktrj

    4 years ago

    They could think of a mobile version in PWA so that it appears for the customer to save the Ecommerce App on their mobile device

  • wazergtduttyflex

    4 years ago

    please fix append country code to Sequence campaign for sms. thanks 

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      Please explain it bit more so we could understand it. What actually you need . Where need to add country code & why.


    • wazergtduttyflex

      4 years ago

      check ticket #6347 Sequence for SMS

  • JFOC

    4 years ago

    Maybe adding a webchat like mobilemonkey ominchat would be great.

    It makes able to consolidate SMS, Messenger, and Web Chat all in one place when the FB messenger and telegram, not the only option to engage with a visitor.

  • saveyourtime1990

    4 years ago

    I think that team should have some mini-game like 

    Users want to play this easy game and we can have more subscribe.

  • AhmedMabrok

    4 years ago

    can you cosnider adding instagram auto post and private replay bot? 

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      Sorry official public API isn't available yet from Facebook . 

  • HT

    4 years ago

    Thanks a lot for publishing the updates list.

    Could you please consider this below to items

    1. A product with multiple category selection

    2. Delivery cost calculation (using Google API to measure the distance and multiplying the distance with some fixed cost per kilometre)

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      Thanks for your suggestion. We will think about these in future.


    4 years ago

    Hello, I am very excited about everything new to come, especially about the flow builder addon and the Complete Booking System.

    I know they are now focused on creating a more complete E-Commerce & Food Ordering System platform.

    So I ask you to keep in mind that the design of the store template is compatible and attractive on desktop computers and laptops, remember that we will have users who will use these devices to visit our store.

    A purchase factor is also influenced by the design of the page

    Greetings and excellent work

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      Thanks for your suggestion. We will think about these in future.


      4 years ago

      could consider this solution is a web solution optimized for cell phones, but since visitors also come to the web, what they did was simulate a cell phone on their website.

      in this way the design does not break and maintains its design

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      Ok, Simulation like Mobile like in desktop browser seems good to see. We will consider it in future.

  • iDavi

    4 years ago

    I agree with others about adding a editor/agency role both for admin and for companies. Each need the ability to assign a role to sub users that have limited access to account functions and areas.

    • ZanDaph

      4 years ago

      Well said... I hope XerOne IT Team will consider on this. It's a must feature when running a business.

  • Ri

    4 years ago

    Hi, Xerochat Team

    I am very satisfied doing business with Xerochat Application.

    But I am in some trouble doing business.

    E.g. If I add someone to work with me, I have to give him admin power so that he can manage everything including the system.

    This shows that there is no difference between him and the head admin. So if there is one more user rule (like Editor) besides member and admin added (He can only edit certain things or he can be dynamically authorized) Then there would be many benefits to running a business

    So I have a special request to you to add another user rule or the future to edit this dynamically user rule (whichever you like).

    I have asked you for this a few times before, this time I hope to see it in version 5.3.

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      Thanks for your suggestion. We will think about these in future.

  • kaybee5000

    4 years ago

    Allah bless XeroChat.

    Users should be able to send email using their own SMTP SERVER. This feature is available in Acelle mail. XeroChat team, please look at it. Thanks 

  • wazergtduttyflex

    4 years ago

    This should be implemented 


    1. should be able to create a coupon where user inputs it and can auto add 

       a product(s) to cart.

    2. Should have the option to limit user on how many times they can redeem a coupon

    3. should be able to click on the coupon in the backend to see all the users that redeem the coupon

    4. should have the option to disable expire date

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      Thanks for your suggestion. We will think about these in future.

  • ProductsCaracheo

    4 years ago

    Any ETA for this implementations?

    Thanks in advance.

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      The list 1-26 will come shortly. Our initial plan is to release by January, 2021.  Let's see how we can move forward.


  • ZanDaph

    4 years ago

    Can't wait for the new updates !!! Thank you XeroneIT Team :)

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      You are welcome & thanks for staying with Xerone IT.

  • iDavi

    4 years ago

    Thanks for the feedback and roadmap.

    In regards to The store hours and not allow to order outside of store hours feature...

    Please allow an option for the vendor to set a ordering buffer time setting.

    The store may close at 10 pm but they do not want to accept orders 15 min before the store closing time unless the guest is at a table inside the restaurant

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      Looks a very good point . We will try to consider in future.


  • RyanMelo

    4 years ago

    Thanks a lot of these wonderful updates XeroneIT! I hope your platform will sell millions of licenses this coming 2021, more power to your team and more sales to come!

    Thanks again...

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      Thank You so Much :)

      Have a blessing New Year 2021 .

  • itwebmaster

    4 years ago

    Please also consider adding the api for wowonder script from codecanyon

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      Sorry but we have no plan for this at this moment & not much interested now. We will think in future.

  • andremktrj

    4 years ago

    MercadoPago Uol! now ecommerce and customer input in the extended version will work perfectly for us!

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      Yes, Hope it will be very helpful.


  • JFOC

    4 years ago

    Absolutely needed JSON API Connector for the e-commerce store, especially for the delivery fee, checkout, and payment gateway in the e-commerce by utilizing the JSON API Connector.

    And for food ordering, we can discuss it since I have experience in developing food marketplace with any complexity in the food & beverage industry, and still keep improving since 5 years ago today

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      Can you please give an example fee calculation site API , so we could check it how it actually process. That would be great to get a site where they calculate it & what data they need to calculate.

    • JFOC

      4 years ago

      For a ecommerce you can check my personal site (probably slow from your country since I was optimized for Indonesia connection only) and for a food & beverage marketplace that I develop you can check

      Both sites using a different delivery calculations. Commonly for e-commerce here following the teeindesign 

  • mohsallam

    4 years ago

    Hi Konok

    We are happy to see progress for Xerochat Script, we wish best of luck,we are ready to add our review.

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      Thank You.

  • aiman2109

    4 years ago

    Please take a look for xendit portal payment for Indonesia. Please consider that Indonesia is a big market

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      Is this payment gateway is popular in Indonesia ? If we got significant number of request on this payment gateway, we will consider to integrate it in future.


    • JFOC

      4 years ago

      some popular payment gateway in my country (Indonesia): duitku, xendit (needed legal paper for processing creditcard), midtrans (needed legal paper for processing creditcard), ipaymu, ipay88

    • aiman2109

      4 years ago

      How significant do you need? 

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      I mean if multiple people are asking about it, as we don't know about this payment gateway is good or something.

      If it's popular we can understand, then we may consider in future of-course.


    • aiman2109

      4 years ago

      This xendit is like a portal pyment alot use in indonesia, inside xendit have sub portal like using virtual account, ovo, gopay, every bank in indonesia. Of course this xendit require for legal, we talk about business

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      Ok, We are consider Xendit payment gateway in the future update.  Cheers :)

  • kaybee5000

    4 years ago

    I will suggest you add these features

    1. User Role and Agency licensed 

    2. Affilaite plugin or affiliate program. Payemnt should be direct but not automatic because bot various payment gateways

    3. Automatically add new users into email sequence. 

    4. Stop sending to Bounce emails

    5. Email chain reply. This is useful in cold emailing. 

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      Thanks for your suggestion. We will see ...

  • itwebmaster

    4 years ago

    Wow nice one. But are all these you mentioned addons or will they be implemented into the xerochat dashboard? 

    Also tell me what are the most important addons to purchase and 

    what is the difference between collecting leads with Quick Reply and User Input & Custom Fields? 

    Also do i need these addons; Messenger Bot Connectivity and Messenger Bot enhancers to be able to enjoy the messenger bot?

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      Most of them are update in main XeroChat . We will see during the release. But E-commerce features that listed here are all in main XeroChat.

      User Input & Custom Fields, Price variation add-on , Messenger BOT Enhancers all are very important add-ons. You can check all & see which feature you may require.


  • ZanDaph

    4 years ago

    User Role and Agency licensed please :)

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      Thanks for your suggestion, we will see in future.

  • business2060

    4 years ago

    it will be nice if you add JSON API Connector to the stores so we can use third app for stores, and please add clone option for Webview manager.

    Best regards.

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      Thanks for your suggestion, we will see in future.

  • go2tanvir

    4 years ago

    yahooooo ssl ecommerce for bangladesh. thanks a lot to all the xerochat team 

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      You are welcome :)

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