2.2.3 ChatPion

Profile Picture Entrepremoon  15th Jan 2020 ChatPion


I updated on latest version of Xerochat,

Can you please explain what and where to find the changes below:

1. New - Email, Phone , Location button as webview

2. New - Adds Rich Text Editor in Notification Sending.



Also, there is a problem with webforms, I cannot edit them, please see screenshot https://prnt.sc/qo2j6b Thanks

1 Answers

  • xeroneitbd Admin

    5 years ago

    1. In bot settings Text with button type you will get email,phone , location button as like birthday button to capture user email/phone/location in webview.

    2. In manual payment settings, the instruction message text area now support html content.

    For your specific problem regarding webview edit, i just checked in my end, it seems working fine for me. So to check the actual matter in your end please open a support ticket & provide these information.

    1. Application login access where you facing the problem to see your webview.
    2. FTP access.


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