AI Integration AI Not Responding | Not Working At All

Profile Picture jkborbz  5th Apr 2023

Hi, just purchased the AI Integration, unfortunately, it is not responding. The default chatbot flow was responding. However, it's a different story for AI. NO Response at all. I updated it to v1.1, then downgraded it back and forth, nothing happened. What seems to be the problem here? Chatbot is working fine, it's just the AI is not. API Key is newly generated and tried 3x already nothing happened and trying to use the GPT 3.5-Turbo.

P.S. I have completed advance access permission, so this will not be an issue.

1 Answers

  • perronmedia

    1 year ago

    I have the same issue. Was working fine until upgrade to 1.1 now AI reply doesn't with any flow functions.

    Please help!

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