Announcement of Messenger Chatbot Template Marketplace Launch

Profile Picture xeroneitbd  2nd Apr 2021 ChatPion

Online marketplace for ChatPion Messenger Bot Template is coming.

We are pleased to announce that We are going to start a global online marketplace for ChatPion Messenger Bot Template. On the marketplace, you can sell and distribute free ChatPion Messenger Bot Template to the people who need the templates. You can also buy Messenger BOT template as per your needs.

You may know that the ChatPion Messenger bot already has export and import bot settings facilities. Therefore, after building a bot, you can Export the bot settings as a template and sell and distributes free it in our incoming marketplace. And the people can easily import the ready-made template and use it easily.

For selling , you will need your own Paypal or Stripe to collect your payment for each sell. We will not involve in payment transaction & will not charge anything initially. We will provide Free of charge to use our platform at the beginning.

Please, feel free to give your suggestions, advice, opinions, and thoughts about the upcoming marketplace. We will welcome any opinions you may have.

NB You may already know that to make your bot-building pretty easy and quite simple, we have presented ChatPion Flow builder, a Visual Drag & Drop Messenger BOT Editor. With the Flow Builder, now you can build a bot easily and sell the bot template in the upcoming online marketplace.

Our success rests on your heartening.

Stay Safe and Well.

All the best,

XeroneIT Team.

5 Answers

  • bongkert

    3 years ago

    it should come with e-commerce template 

  • Fonicy

    3 years ago

    does it an addon for xerochat?

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      3 years ago

      It's a market place to distribute or sell XeroChat bot template .

    • Fonicy

      3 years ago

      Marketplace in your website?

      I don't understand? How user can buy bot template? From where? From our end website or you website?

  • haaybd

    3 years ago

    If add Free users Auto add This system Credit . 

    And paid user remove this power by Credit.

    Thank You.

  • riadkafalgazal

    3 years ago

    This is great news, but there are a few things to work on

    In XeroChat Flow builder, we can't specify the number of monthly usage for each customer per package which is a bit intimidating

    I want to control it for me

    Also, a simple new proposal that will not take you much time. I modified it on my site from the database, but I had a problem with language navigation

    A copy of Post-back manager should be placed in the Comment Automation menu. My users have encountered a problem with the navigation that it is unclear where it is because they only use simple features and do not like to explore.

    Also a proposal with which I faced a big problem

    I use Spintax in the comments and use over 100 options

    In a word I am creating Spintax and it takes me a lot of time

    I suggest creating Spintax templates given by Admin

    I told you a lot of improvements, I don't know if I found it good, but it solves problems for more than 15 of your clients. I know them and I am among them.

    My clients are having trouble with the enabled Auto reply posts and other steps

    Many steps and some clients are not very good at dealing with technical tools and this is not good in the user experience and also the user interface so far all the developers who have modified xerochat have not found a good mod that cares about the user experience

    I hope the xerochat team will tell us when he can take care of this. We can all buy a shape plugin

    I feel that xerochat is only designed for people who are good at marketing but a lot of people are not good at that and you are not hiring marketers for this.

    I have a simple suggestion why we shouldn't do this

    Imagine we are enabling the enabled Auto reply posts

    Now we have a window

    Would you like to use a reply template

      Do you want to use saved Comments template?

     Do you want to enable offensive comments?

    Select a message template for private reply

    Choose labels

    Now I will explain each option

    ************************************************ *************

    Would you like to use a reply template

    There is in this option yes or no

    If yes, the usual steps now

    If he chooses, do not show the options that I will talk about now

    ************************************************ *************

    Do you want to use saved Comments template?

    In this option there are two buttons the first. Generic message for all

    The second is: Send message by filtering word / sentence

    If you choose Generic message for all

    Below appears only a list of comment template selection

    Then it complements the other options

    We also want to use more than one template in this option, if possible

    If there is a comments template that is set by default this is better

    If you choose Send message by filtering word / sentence

    It shows two lists

    In the beginning a box, select the keyword and then the two lists

    First, list, select Comment Template

    The second list, select Select a message template for private reply

    ************************************************ *************

    the second choice

     Do you want to enable offensive comments?

    If selected, yes, it specifies the offensive comments template

    If he chooses no, of course nothing happens

    ************************************************ *************

    the third option

    This option appears only if the user selects Generic message for all

    Appears to mark the message as usual

    Select a message template for private reply

    This is a suggestion that I hope to work on, even if this is a new addition

    Some friends who are at xerochat might wonder why they would make this improvement

    Now at first I use Spintax and I'm really good at dealing with it, but not everyone is good at it, so I made a template option for comments

    Also why do we put templates instead of the current settings

    In fact, if I post too frequently, these settings take me a long time, imagine spintax with me, it will take time.

    Also, activating the other options will take time

    Also, there is a problem with Full page campaigns when I activate

    Full pageresponse and I publish posts repeatedly on my page without entering xerochat and without activating Auto reply posts I have a problem with Facebook and it gets blocked

    I do not know what the reason is, but I tried not to activate the Full pageresponse option and activate the posts from within xerochat, and I have not been banned from Facebook, and I also hope that there is a solution to this. The comment templates solution may solve this matter

    Of course, if we select more than one comment template here, no one will be blocked

    Also, there are some people whose message box is locked

    These people are not answered

    I saw some people responding to him with a comment telling him that his message box was closed

    How can we activate this

    Thanks for reading xerochat

  • Chatpion

    3 years ago

    This is awesome news, I suggest this things to implement in the Marketplace features

    1. Every downloadable template provided by other XeroChat script owners need to have a key or password unique to the one who purchased or downloaded it. Without this kind of feature it will be easier for others to distribute any paid template for free to others who have not downloaded or purchased it.

    2. In addition to single Bot template selling, it would be best to include subscription for constant addition of templates by the author's. 

    3. A similar but separate Marketplace should be available in the our extended XeroChat with different purpose. Instead of being a Marketplace for owners of XeroChat script this Marketplace should be for our own XeroChat subscribers. We can let our users access Bot template either by simple free install to their page or they Buy Bot template we make Available. We can provide the sample template we bought from XeroChat script owners to our users or we may sell it or provide it for free.

    Thank you

    • ranzu84 Team

      3 years ago

      Thank you for your Suggestions.

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