Aprrovel issue

Profile Picture hamza88  12th May 2024

I flow the step to approval ,I just get issue for this  pages_read_engagement

I do everything screen record and everything and still with it facebook send me this 

During review, we were unable to approve your submitted permission(s) or feature(s) and will not be able to approve the app for use.

To help resolve this issue, please review the following:

1. Make sure you have completed all development of your app.

2. Create a Test User and verify that you can use it to recreate the experience exactly as depicted in your screencast.

3. If you are able to reproduce this experience exactly as depicted in your screencast, verify that the testing instructions in your App Verification Details are correct and include the Test User’s email and password.

4. If your screencast is inaccurate but you are able to successfully test each of your requested permissions and features with the Test User, capture a new accurate screencast and upload it, verify that the testing instructions in your App Verification Details are correct, and include your Test User's email and password.

5. Resubmit for App Review.


We have determined that your app's use case for the requested permission is invalid or is not needed to support its core functionality.

Your app should only request for permissions that help enhance and build a solid user experience for your business and the end user. Please resolve this issue by removing or revising your app content for compliance before submitting for review.

If you believe your use case is valid, please consider submitting a revised screencast or notes that explains the following items:

1. Which functionality of your app requires the permission.

2. How will the permission to enhance your app's functionality and how the integration functions.

3. How will the permission enhance end user's experience.

1 Answers

  • miraz Team

    9 months ago

    During submission please use the below content for use cases.

    1. User Login to our system with their system username & password.

    2. Go to "Connect Accounts" from left sidebar.

    3. User then Click the button "Login with Facebook" to import Facebook Account.

    4. Our system get information, Page List, access token.

    5. Now Click on the 'Enable Bot Connection' button icon to enable the page.

    6. Go to Left Sidebar from Facebook Tools -> Comment Manager -> All Post List.

    7. Now Select page from left side then page’s posts list will display on the right column.

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