broadcast Video

Profile Picture cubomagico  24th Nov 2023 ChatPion

I am using this chatpion platform and built a bot flow for sale on Facebook Messenger. Now I want to make a bot flow in chatpion for Facebook live video broadcasting in which the system collects orders made on LIVE VIDEO and processes them as orders in the online store.
step 1: the customer types in the comments: I want reference 14.

step 2: the bot records the customer's comment.

step 3: the bot processes the order and validates it.

step 4: the bot sends the checkout link via messenger

Is it possible to make the bot flow for live video broadcasting? Please let me know if it is possible then please explain the steps.

2 Answers

  • eyvann

    1 year ago

    its easy

    but you must have live api aproved first

    set your trigger keyword for opening the store reply

  • miraz Team

    1 year ago

    Sorry but this is not possible in our system currently.

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