Bulk label assign takes a long time

Profile Picture Bradi  15th Sep 2019 ChatPion


I try to assign 500 subscribers to a label and this operation take a long long time.

Please check.
For information, I've a big server (10 cores, 60GB RAM), any other connected when trying.

2 Answers

  • xeroneitbd Admin

    4 years ago

    It's expected behavior, 500 label assign means, 500 database query & also 500 time API call in Facebook for assigning label inside Facebook also. So it will take time of-course.

    • JFOC

      4 years ago

      is the labeling using INSERT query ? if yes, is it INSERT group into a single query ? group insert into a single query should be faster

  • ahmadomar

    4 years ago

    what is your hosting plan? i have problem sending broadcasts with big numbers

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