Button "Send Message"

Profile Picture alexcrack  12th Apr 2020 ChatPion


I did follow all the installation steps in order to deploy the store of ecommerce in messenger, i did test successfully the integration, but i only can see the  "get started" button  when i try "test button" in the button Send message,


 i mean, if you enter with another facebok account, you cant see the chatbot working.

So kindly ask help to tell me what i have to do, in order to have working the script to all the Facebook users?

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards.

1 Answers

  • xeroneitbd Admin

    4 years ago

    Yes, That's a expected behavior until your Facebook app is fully approved & go in Live Mode. Please make sure you have submitted app for approval & get business/individual verification  . Then turn your app in Live Mode.  Here is the instruction https://xeroneit.net/blog/xerochat-how-to-submit-app-for-review

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