Can't find my app when adding to a group

Profile Picture euroquip123  5th Oct 2019

I'm trying to follow instructions on how to post to groups, but my app is not showing up on the list so I can't add it to a group.

What am I missing?

2 Answers

  • odins

    4 years ago

    Same issue here. My App is approved. I'm admin of my group. Both is Xerochat as in my group search settings, my app is not showing up. So how to make a video to show group functions??? My request is refused twice already.... Please help with any advice.

  • xeroneitbd Admin

    4 years ago

    You can't add / no need to add before app approval. You will need it after APP get approved .

    You can only post to groups you have admin role. You must need to install app in your Facebook group after your Facebook App is approved for group posting & in live mode .

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