Change Domain Name and Server

Profile Picture surya2015  21st Sep 2021 ChatPion

I have installed the app on a domain and now I want to change the domain name. What is the best procedure to change the domain name? 

1 Answers

  • miraz Team

    3 years ago

    1. Export your old database tables to a sql file via phpmyadmin.

    2. Then install a fresh copy of the app to new server (or new location of same server) using a new database.

    3. Go to the new database and delete all tables.

    4. Now import your old database sql to new database.

    • plexaz

      3 years ago

      Just to make sure before I do this- when we create a new domain and install the script on the new domain, and it asks for the purchase code, we go ahead and enter the purchase code we used on the domain we are about to replace, correct?

      Then, if it takes that, we simply finish getting the script completely installed, then wipe the DB and import the DB from the domain we first installed it on, correct?


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