Chatpion connecting to my Page but not working

Profile Picture flavioparenti  21st May 2024 ChatPion

I just bought Chaption for facebook and instagram use case.

I followed this video: How to create Facebook app for ChatPion (New Version) seems to eb working up to this point where it differs (min 4:05, facebook asks if "looking for other options", I never appears to me.") I still managed to go throught the whole process, get required permission and connected my profile to chatpion. The problem is that even if the bot is connected, i cannot see any message in "live chat" (neither FB or IG) and the automation do not work (I tried a text trigger, and it was impossible to make it start)

Please if someone could help me that would be wonderful.


1 Answers

  • miraz Team

    9 months ago

    We already replied in your ticket and also talk in xeroneit facebook page.

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