Condition function

Profile Picture katetan  3rd Jun 2021 ChatPion

Hi regarding the flow builder - condition feature, I would like to suggest real usage requested from many users. We use label to segment the customer into category, for example label of paid customer and unpaid customer. if I set a sequence for all user click on certain postback, but that msg is follow up with customer ask them to make payment (in this case some users did not want to ecommerce and rather use normal msg) so that sequence msg will send to ALL paid and unpaid customer, and I have no way to set "condition" to send that sequence to label of unpaid customer only.

Above is just one of the example only, in real case we have many other situations need to make "condition" when we send sequence msg. So I would like to suggest we can make condition feature as a function can link "lable" and "sequence msg" together, so can choose only send sequence msg to certain label users only instead of ALL clicked users.

Thank you very much

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