I had installed chatpion initial to domain A and updates used to work fine
Then i moved chatpion domain to domain B
At some point i was asked to enter license and had to go to reset my license so it should work.
No i go to check updates and i see a blank page stating that curl does not work
Connection failed to establish, cURL is not working! Visit item description page in codecanyon, see change log and update manually.
Has something changed? Do i need to manually update as suggested?
Thank you
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4 Answers
miraz Team
2 years agoWe have fixed this also.If you still facing the same issue then contact our support desk please.
miraz Team
2 years agoI think all problem is solved now. and I have fixed the issue in your ticket.
2 years agotoday i was abel to upgrade to 8.4. DOnt know what happened there
I am stil unable to add license for free addons that i tried to install, any ideas?
thank you
2 years agoCannot also install free chat pion addons, license is not getting accepted for some reason.
Any ideas? is there some licensing problem caused from domain changed? Do i have to reset and reenter all my addons licenses?
Confused here