Could not connect to MySQL : Access denied for user 'neophar1_store-admin'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

Profile Picture redwanmahmud  2nd Dec 2023 ChatPion

Hi chatpion team,

Yesterday, I purchased Chatpion. I am trying to install Chatpion. But I failed to install. 

It showed that- 'Could not connect to MySQL : Access denied for user 'neophar1_store-admin'@'localhost' (using password: YES)'

What should I do now?

This is my emergency question. Please assist me.


Redwan Mahmud.

1 Answers

  • miraz Team

    4 months ago

    Seems during creating the database you didn't assign the database with your database users that's the reason this error is coming nothing else. Please see the installation video. Hope that will help you to overcome the issue. Or contact our support desk to check this matter. Thank you.

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