E commerce Data base Error

Profile Picture jayderosales  8th Sep 2021 ChatPion

How can I solve this error when adding new products.

Error Number: 1054

Unknown column 'related_product_ids' in 'field list'

INSERT INTO `ecommerce_product` (`store_id`, `category_id`, `attribute_ids`, `product_name`, `original_price`, `sell_price`, `product_description`, `purchase_note`, `thumbnail`, `featured_images`, `digital_product_file`, `taxable`, `status`, `stock_item`, `stock_display`, `stock_prevent_purchase`, `preparation_time`, `preparation_time_unit`, `user_id`, `deleted`, `updated_at`, `related_product_ids`, `upsell_product_id`, `downsell_product_id`, `is_featured`) VALUES ('2', '3', '', 'Sauce', '180', '', '


', 'test', 'product_1_1631092411758898.png', 'fproduct_1_1631092414530513.png', '', '1', '1', '100', '1', '1', '', '', '1', '0', '2021-09-08 10:13:42', '', '0', '0', '0')

Filename: models/Basic.php

Line Number: 306

3 Answers

  • aiman2109

    2 years ago

    it happen to me also

  • ranzu84 Team

    2 years ago

    Please open a ticket to our support team. We will be happy to solve your problem. Thanks

  • Sajahat2

    2 years ago

    Hello! Have you fixed this error? I also get this error.

    • ranzu84 Team

      2 years ago

      Please open a ticket to our support desk. Mention the error you are getting. Thanks

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