E-commerce language.

Profile Picture info@xeroneit.net  28th Jan 2020 ChatPion

Hello, I want to translate some things that are not in Spanish in the new feature of E-commerce for messenger. 

I have reviewed all the language and I have not been able to find the file to translate it.

Tell me which file I should edit and the path to find it

2 Answers

  • info@xeroneit.net

    5 years ago

    Hello, thank you, I thank you because for Colombia it is very confusing to mix Spanish and English.

    I understand about stripe and paypal, here paypal is becoming common, stripe still doesn't work.

    but the button of pay on delivery and pay manually I think that I should not have a problem in translating and other options that I see that also remain in English.

    Thank you

  • alaminjwel Admin

    5 years ago


    We could have translated the button but did not find a way to translate the "Pay with Card" option as it loads from Stripe end directly. That's why we did not translated the other buttons to keep them look alike. I will see if I can find the way to translate the "Pay with Card" button. 

    You do not have to do anything. We will see.


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