Email / Phone

Profile Picture  15th Jan 2020 ChatPion

I know that we have asked for this function several times and so far they have not been able to do so, but it is very, very important

Facebook users change their phone number and email address, but very little update the one they used on Facebook. 

so it is necessary to have this function since xerochat is not only a messenger marketing system now we can do email marketing and sms marketing

So I come back and ask for the function of being able to request or correct the telephone number and / or the email in case the facebook is not the current one or wants to reach another number or email.

it can be a free update or a paid addos the important thing is to have this function in xerochat

1 Answers

  • xeroneitbd Admin

    5 years ago

    Already we have given this option as Webview to collect email,phone, location as like birthday collection by button click in this latest version 2.2.3


    • JFOC

      5 years ago

      any tutorial to using as webview for email/phone/location?


      5 years ago

      and this data can be synchronized with the data of the subscription so as not to have a lot of data that the bot collects email for the function and another email for the function of the form.

      Ideally, they should be synchronized and as the tool now allows email marketing and SMS campaigns, we can send you a message using the data collected

    • JFOC

      5 years ago

      any tutorial to using as webview for email/phone/location?

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