Emails going to spam folder

Profile Picture kijanmaharjan  14th Sep 2019 ChatPion

1. Hi I just used password recovery function and waited for email to arrive in inbox for an hour. I wasn't aware that it went to spam folder. Is there any way to send emails to primary inbox ?  

2. Can you make the UI look much similar to manychat? I believe this will also boost your sales. I have fully tested xerochat now and seems like it's same as manychat or other tool but the problem is the UI and the UX of xerochat. So if you can please consider my request.

1 Answers

  • xeroneitbd Admin

    4 years ago

    1. Sorry but we don't have any control over it.

    2. We have just released XeroChat with new UI from before. So we have no plan to change UI .

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