Facebook verification

Profile Picture ehwor002  29th Aug 2022


pls help me facebook asking me two question, what will be the answer

1. Add details about how your business will use Platform Data (i.e., any info or data you obtain from us) to enable a product or service on behalf of your clients.

2. Describe how your clients use your product or service.

1 Answers

  • miraz Team

    1 year ago

    1.Select SaaSPlatform.


    Username : reviewer@chatpion.com

    Password : 123456

    1. User Login to our system with their system username & password.

    2. Go to Facebook & Instagram Menu.

    3. User then Click the button "Login with Facebook" to import Facebook Account.

    4. Our system get the user information, Page List & Access Token.

    5. Now Click on the 'Enable Bot Connection' button icon. 6. Then user goes to Social Posting Menu -> Multimedia Post.

    7. Then click on 'Create new post' Button.

    8. Now enable "Facebook" from top-right corner of the page and you'll see the Facebook accounts pages list.

    9. Now click on the "Text,Link,Image,Video" to post Text,Link,Image,Video on Facebook page.

    10. User can post text, image, video, link in their pages & schedule for a future date.

    Note: Please replace your site url, username and password.

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