How to fix "Something went wrong in profile access : You must provide an access token." ?

Profile Picture danfehost  17th Jan 2020 ChatPion

Something went wrong in profile access : You must provide an access token.

4 Answers

  • Vuekai

    3 years ago

    Dear geneboss

    Do you have solution to fix this? I also suffered this issue too, If you have please share your experience to us.


  • geneboss

    3 years ago

    I had the same issue and had nothing to do with browser cache. This happened after I set up a two-factor authentication with my Facebook account. After many attempts to resolve the issue finally I deactivated the two factor authentication and the issue is resolved.


    The burden is on Chatbibi's side :) This needs to be fixed.


    • xeroneitbd Admin

      3 years ago

      Two factor authentication in profile isn't a problem. I myself use two factor authentication in my profile. But i never faced such issue. It's something else either problem in giving permission access during log in flow or any other security setting in your account.



    4 years ago

    hi, I suppose my team create few FB apps for same webhook URL

    Then, I delete all fb app only leave one app. after that, the issue happen. 

    Screen record

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago

      First make sure your app is fully approved.

      If approved make sure that the APP version is 7.0 , Read details here

      If not approved yet, keep your app in development mode & submit for approval

  • xeroneitbd Admin

    5 years ago

    It looks like there were also any other error/warning during Login with Facebook flow. Or user didn't granted all the permission correctly or cancel in the middle of the flow.

    If you can give us a  short video screencast about the procedure what you are actually doing during login with Facebook, we could understand the exact problem.


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