How to verify facebook App Access Verification

Profile Picture ASLGT  30th Dec 2021

How to verify facebook App Access Verification ?

Facebook asking :

To access certain Meta APIs, you need to provide additional information about your business and purpose. Don’t complete this on behalf of your clients.
What type of business do you have? Select all that apply.

Ans: (Agency, Freelancer, Consultancy, SaaS platform, Other - please provide details)

How will your organization use Platform Data to enable a product or service for your clients?
List the names of at least 3 business clients that have licensed your product or service. If this doesn’t apply to you, please explain why.

List any previous business names. Optional

5 Answers

  • aladdinmh

    2 years ago

    Can you please provide us with example of access verification subim ?

  • ghme

    2 years ago

    hey i am stuck at same question too, can you please me with the best answer i have triad 3 times but facebook didn't like it

    please help


  • gabrieru

    2 years ago

  • fadolla

    3 years ago

    I saw this also when i create the new app.

    please check this below:

  • xeroneitbd Admin

    3 years ago

    When you have got this ? We mean in what stage ? Please provide some screenshot of your submission & where it's asking ?


    • gabrieru

      2 years ago

      hello, i am stucked in the same question. Can you help please

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