Hello XeorChatters,
As you already know Instagram bot add-on for ChatPion is on the way to be released. This add-on needed us a lot of things to be changed in code-base and we will release an update for ChatPion before we release the add-on. That update will be a large one. We will update many files as well as database.
You can see there is a table in database called "messenger_bot_subscriber" and it is the largest table with records. Updating this table through auto-update may fail because of the large amount of data. So, we are suggesting to update this table manually and make your system ready to welcome the upcoming Instagram bot add-on. This could be technical enough for a standard software user, but hats off to you guys for not being just a standard user. You guys are pro! I will be showing two ways to do the job.
Process : 1 (Easier but too slow and may fail due to huge data records)
Screenshot : https://ibb.co/XzpsWmj
1) Login to Cpanel
2) Go to phpMyAdmin
3) Select ChatPion database
4) Go to SQL menu and paste the following SQL and hit GO:
LOCK TABLE messenger_bot_subscriber WRITE;
ALTER TABLE `messenger_bot_subscriber` ADD `social_media` ENUM('fb','ig') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'fb' AFTER `store_id`;
Process :2 (But advanced but the best way)
Screenshot : https://ibb.co/LQghYXy
1) Login to Cpanel
2) Go to "Terminal" (if you cant find in your Cpanel then login to your WHM panel)
3) mysql -u databse_username -p
4) Enter your database password
5) use your_database_name;
LOCK TABLE messenger_bot_subscriber WRITE;
ALTER TABLE `messenger_bot_subscriber` ADD `social_media` ENUM('fb','ig') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'fb' AFTER `store_id`;
7) Press Enter key
You are done !
Thanks for reading this doc.
Xerone IT Team
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7 Answers
3 years agoI have just purchase ChatPion and its Addons
Do I have to do anything about this?
ranzu84 Team
3 years agoCongratulation, Now you need to install the script on the server and then get your Facebook App approved and enjoy all the features of ChatPion.
3 years agofrom wich Version is required this sql Update? 7.0 ?
ranzu84 Team
3 years agoThis manual update process will not be required for everyone. Few users who have huge subscribers in the database may face issues on auto-updating this table.
3 years agoI was only able to do the same with mysql root user
3 years agoi did this.!! sitll not working! the page dosent load.
3 years agoim getting simillar error
3 years agohi, i'm interested in buying xerochat, i want to know when the instagram chatbot is available,
zilanise Team
3 years agoIt's already available.
3 years agoHello, in my case give a error:
Check: https://nimb.ws/tOe2jN