my Page has been unpublished

Profile Picture ns2network  18th Dec 2019

i get message from FB ..

Your Page has been unpublished

Your Page has been unpublished for misleading behavior, such as being administered by a fake account, misleading users, or violating the Facebook spam policies. This goes against the Facebook Pages Terms and Facebook Community Standards which help keep our community safe and respectful. If you think we made a mistake, you can appeal and we'll take another look.

can admin explain this message?.. is it about  this software i used ?


2 Answers

  • 70percent

    5 years ago


    Can you give us more details of what you did before you received this message from Facebook.

    Best regards.

    • ns2network

      5 years ago

      last posting on my page 21 Nov 2019.No more activities.[img][/img]

  • xeroneitbd Admin

    5 years ago

    This is not anything about the software to use. Our software use official API of Facebook. So there is no problem for using it.

    But it matter how you use or what you did. There are several reason already mentioned in the message. You better to contact Facebook support if there any option. We have nothing to do here actually.

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