New Permission aproval video

Profile Picture eyvann  16th Jan 2024

Halo team

i have several question and request here

1. Please create new video guide / tutorial on how to get all permission aproval
as we know your videos are not up to date like Business management permission
so we always get rejected

2. Video posting to instagram are not working, please check it.

3. Webhook connection fro instagram.
as we know we can also collect data using user input on instagram 
but it will be nice if we can send this data using webhook as messenger can do

2 Answers

  • -Hall-

    1 month ago

    the approval tutorials are broken

  • miraz Team

    2 months ago

    1. We already updated the blog and video. Please check now.

    2. This issue is already fixed.

    3. Will try to do thank you.

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