Package usage limit

Profile Picture Bradi  7th Sep 2019 ChatPion


Previously in Bot Inboxer, we have a big problem with Bots usage. We can limit number of bots per package. Users or subscribers limit is a best pricing base for bot plateform.
Now with Xerochat, it's impossible to send bulk messages without enabling bot. In the same time, we can't set neither number of bots, nor users limit.

What are need?
1- Send bulk message without enabling bot for pages

2- Can set bots limit (to be enabled) 

3- Can set users or subscribers limit.

4- Allow us to edit usage log for users for offline payement solution.


1 Answers

  • xeroneitbd Admin

    4 years ago

    1. It's designed like that & much logical & technically it needs for some feature.

    2. Already available. Number of page means number of BOT can be enabled.

    3. We have no plan right now.

    4. We have plan in future.


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