Purchasing more than one of the same item on my ecommerce store

Profile Picture plexaz  9th Jan 2022 E-commerce Product Price Variation

How do I allow buyers to buy more than one of the same item attribute? For example-  1Gallon of Paint Attribute White, Blue, Pink  And user wants 1 Gallon of White paint, 2 Gals of Blue paint and 6 Gallon of Pink paint??

It would be good if they could click a + on the field to pick how many of each they wanted OR I might be doing something wrong. 

Thanks for any help. 

2 Answers

  • plexaz

    2 years ago

    Okay, thank you, miraz.

  • plexaz

    2 years ago

    I figured it out. But a new question- how to change the language file for e-commerce?

    • miraz Team

      2 years ago

      You can switch the language from general setting. if you want to add new langue then you can add it from the langue editor menu.

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