SMS Campaign stuck at Pending

Profile Picture Addhu  1st Feb 2023

I am using ChatPion / XeroChat, and I updated to the latest version today. I have setup one SMS campaign (Twilio setup works, as I tested), and status is stuck at pending. What am I doing wrong?

I checked cron jobs, I added broadcasting cron job in cPanel (it only allows minimum 5 minute, so I changed 1 minute to 5 minute), and the command was:

curl >/dev/null 2>&1

Above command is what the cron job page in the app gave me, but it has a typo. In setting up cron job in cPanel, I tried the command as is, as well as typo corrected. 

Why is it still at pending?

1 Answers

  • miraz Team

    2 years ago

    The pending issues only happens due to cron job. But i am not sure you have setup cron job exactly or not. otherwise, I don’t see any issue. And typo is not the problem.

    However please contact our support desk our support team will check your issue,

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