Sync my application contact table with Smart SMS & Email Manager (SSEM)

Profile Picture mnwuzor  24th Mar 2022

Hello Support,

I know my support period has expired but before I renew I kindly wish to inquire if my request can be handled.

I want to inquire if, after setting up your application, it will be able to sync my application contact details with your SSEM contact table using API whatever means you have built into it.

We are currently building a Church MIS where members records will be added almost everyday. Now we want your application to also save a copy of the members details each time a new members record is added so that when we want to send either an email or SMS, it will easily pull the contact details from within your SSEM application and not from our own application.

Please kindly advice if its possible and how we can go about it. If its not possible, kindly suggest other better alternative.

Thank you


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