Hi! I'm a little confuse for Conversation Promo Broadcast Send setting like below picture mean:
- 4 campain per month and 400 message per each
- 4 campain per month, 400 message in total (if customer set 1 campain and send to 400 subscrisber then they can not set more 3 campain)
What is the difference of Useage limit and Bulk limit?
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2 Answers
5 years agoHi,
- https://prnt.sc/re1zid
In this case can I understand that 30 campaigns/month and messages will be entitled to send to 50 subscribers/month? If I'm not right, please explain more?
alaminjwel Admin
5 years agoHi,
Usage limit means how much you can use. It can be lifetime or monthly.
Bulk limit means how much you can do at a time.
- 4 campaign per month and 400 message per each means he can create maximum 4 campaigns per month but he can not send to more than 400 messages. You are right, if customer set 1 campaign and send to 400 subscriber then he can not set more 3 campaigns)