We are launching TeleGroupBot as Stand-alone script in Codecanyon.

Profile Picture xeroneitbd  22nd Jul 2023

 Exciting News! Introducing TeleGroupBot - Your All-in-One Automated Group Management Solution

Are you tired of spending countless hours managing your Telegram group? Fret not! We're thrilled to launch TeleGroupBot - the ultimate standalone software that revolutionizes Telegram group management and unlocks endless possibilities for your business!

 Why TeleGroupBot?

 Automated Efficiency: TeleGroupBot streamlines group management tasks, saving you valuable time and effort. Focus on growing your community while our intelligent bot takes care of the rest!

Engaging Interactions: Keep your group members captivated with interactive features like polls, quizzes, and games. TeleGroupBot ensures an active and vibrant group dynamic!

 Unmatched Security: Your group's privacy is paramount. TeleGroupBot adheres to Telegram's guidelines, providing a safe and secure environment for all members.

 Customization Options: Tailor TeleGroupBot to match your group's unique preferences. Customize its behavior, responses, and permissions with ease!

 How Can You Benefit as a SaaS Provider?

Unlimited Opportunities: Offer TeleGroupBot as a service to your customers and open doors to new revenue streams. Let them experience the power of automated group management!

Seamless Integration: With TeleGroupBot as your flagship software, add value to your existing SaaS offerings, attract new clients, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Expand Your Business: Empower businesses, organizations, and communities worldwide to elevate their Telegram group management. Become a leader in the group management space!

 Ready to Elevate Your Services?

Unlock the true potential of Telegram group management with TeleGroupBot! Seamlessly integrate it into your SaaS offerings and provide unparalleled value to your customers.

 Grab your chance to stand out in the market and grow your business with TeleGroupBot! Get started today and skyrocket your success! ?

7 Answers

  • nazmi88

    12 months ago

    So, is this new SAAS Telegroupbot just for the Telegram group only? Telegram group management? No chatbot for Telegram? No e-commerce store for Telegram? No individual broadcast message? Why don't you make a complete platform just for Telegram?

    Yes, I know you already had Botsailor. But don't worry because Botsailor still has advantages because 2in1 platform with WhatsApp. But for this new SAAS platform for Telegram, please do it for complete Telegram automation. Not just group management only. 

    If we already subscribe with the Botsailor, there is no purpose for this Telegroupbot since the features is already in Botsailor?

  • luvingcoding

    1 year ago

    I agree with appsmoment at lease 1. Add WhatsApp Addon

    2. Add Telegram Addon should be in the same place of your new app TeleGroupBot or 

    add it in new version of Chatpion addon 

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      12 months ago

      For WhatsApp and Telegram bot you can go for BotSailor. BotSailor has White label reseller package. It will definitely a good choice for WhatsApp and Telegram.


    • appsmoment

      12 months ago

      Add to BotSailor - Facebook and Instagram! And it will be the perfect one.

  • appsmoment

    1 year ago

    I also want to vote for Chatpion addon integration!!! Our users don't need to use 4-5 CRMs!!!

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      1 year ago

      Thanks for your vote.

      But we are confident that it also not good way to go forward by keeping your all eggs in same basket. Better diversify it in various path.


    • appsmoment

      1 year ago

      Listen to your clients and provide options for that. There are here already couple clients which want to have that addon for Chatpion and happy to pay for that. It is our risk to put that in the risk and not yours.

      The same is about Wechat. It is better to make better platform with Chatpion with more tools than competitors. 

      So, my proposal

      1. Add WhatsApp Addon

      2. Add Telegram Addon

      3. Make better AI integration addon.

      Happy to buy them all

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      12 months ago

      Thanks for your suggestions. We really appreciate it.

      However we are actually want to keep the ChatPion only for Facebook and Instagram at this moment. We will definitely think in deep in future about the market.


    • appsmoment

      12 months ago

      Create one platform for all socials and you will see that you will have tonnes of clients,

      It is super tricky and costly to promote each platform! 

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      12 months ago

      Ok, I can understand you. We will seriously going to do it also in coming days.


  • Her_choice

    1 year ago

    Pls provide a option to integrate with chatpion as well, as you said above your offering customers choose a service / software / individual ok i agree

    But also provides a way to integrate all platforma into one as addon with same script price, we are happy if you do this, it will be more powerful easy to convey our customers atleast add WhatsApp bot to chatpion pls

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      1 year ago

      We will think about it in future, but i can't give any hope about ChatPion add-on of this new script as it will be developed with Laravel. ChatPion is still with CodeIgniter. We are planning to migrate ChatPion to Laravel, then we may think about it.


  • chebli17

    1 year ago

    Hello, first of all, I thank you for the full clarification and your interest in satisfying your customers. I know that I cannot impose on you a specific way of working, but I believe that all the features that you mentioned do not lose their advantage if they are added to the "Chatpion" platform. On the contrary, you will have a very powerful platform and even compete with other products such as "Manychat" that provides solutions for all platforms, especially since users today are looking for a single platform that meets all needs. As for customization, this is easy and up to the customer if he wants to add a tool He only installs a certain one. You can verify my words about me by asking us, the customers, and making a vote for us. Do we prefer different platforms or one platform that contains several additions? We can choose what we buy and add.

    Once again, I repeat my thanks to you, and I am very satisfied with the level of your services and support, and I am proud to be your customer.

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      1 year ago

      If you look at Manychat, they doesn't have Telegram features at all.

      We believe to keep this application as separate actually for many reasons as i have clarified in my previous comment.


  • luvingcoding

    1 year ago

    Yes I agree I think is should bring your WhatApp (Botsailor) bot move to merge with this app TeleGroupBot and sell in CodeCanyon

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      1 year ago

      We are extremely sorry that BotSailor will not be sold on Codecanyon.

      We have currently around 16K subscriber inside BotSailor. So there is no way to sell it on codecanyon.


  • chebli17

    1 year ago

    This is very cool, but unfortunately I don’t know why you always create separate platforms alone. In this way, me and other customers will not be helped by this method. Why don’t you make all these features and characteristics as additions to the ChatUnion platform, because this will help us a lot to maintain our customers, market the product and our brand instead of creating a new name, a new site and many procedures every time. I hope that all these additional platforms are tools for the ChatUnion platform,thank you and have a nice day.

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      1 year ago

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts and valuable feedback with us. We truly appreciate your input and the opportunity to explain our approach.

      While we understand your suggestion of integrating all features and characteristics into the ChatPion platform, we also believe that offering standalone scripts, like TeleGroupBot, has its unique advantages for both our customers and our brand. Allow us to elaborate on why we have chosen this approach:

      1. Customization and Flexibility: By offering standalone scripts, we provide our customers with the flexibility to choose the specific tools and features that best fit their needs. Not all customers may require the full range of capabilities offered by ChatPion. Offering standalone scripts allows them to tailor their solutions and ensure they get precisely what they require without any unnecessary complexity.

      2. Dedicated Focus: Each standalone script, like TeleGroupBot, is designed to address specific needs comprehensively. This dedicated focus allows us to refine and optimize the functionalities, ensuring top-notch performance and user experience. Integrating all features into one platform might lead to complexities and make it challenging to maintain the highest level of quality for each functionality.

      3. Easier Adoption and Implementation: Standalone scripts can be easily integrated into existing systems without extensive changes to the customers' infrastructure. This allows for faster adoption and implementation, enabling our customers to start benefiting from the features quickly.

      4. Niche Solutions: By offering specialized standalone scripts, we can cater to specific niche requirements. Some customers might have unique demands that a more generalized platform may not adequately address. With standalone scripts, we can provide tailor-made solutions for various use cases.

      5. Brand Identity and Recognition: Each standalone script represents a distinct product under our brand umbrella. This approach enhances our brand recognition and helps customers identify the specific solutions they need. It also allows us to showcase the diversity and expertise of our offerings.

      6. Incremental Updates and Enhancements: With standalone scripts, we can provide more frequent updates and enhancements to address customer feedback promptly. Customers benefit from the continuous improvements and refinements, leading to an ever-evolving and cutting-edge solution.

      That said, we always appreciate feedback from our customers, and your suggestion to consider complementary tools for the ChatPion platform is valuable to us. We'll keep exploring ways to bridge the gap between standalone scripts and ChatPion, ensuring that our customers have a seamless experience across our offerings.

      Once again, thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. Your input helps us in delivering products that truly meet your needs. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out. We are here to support you and your success.

      Wishing you a fantastic day ahead!

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