I have webhook issue with page response.
i m using 3 apps for ez inboxer.
1 for ez inboxer , 1 for Bot Manager and 1 for ireply.
when ez inboxer and bot manager webhook enabled the i recived message from facebook "webhook disable" so i remove webhook url from bot manager app's webhook .
And now page response working fine and no webhook error message recived from facebook .
But other side now bot manager's webhook not working
Callback URL of ez inboxer: https://page.thecodecomposer.com/home/central_webhook_callback
Callback URL for page reponse : https://page.thecodecomposer.com/home/central_webhook_callback
Callback URL for bot manager : https://page.thecodecomposer.com/home/central_webhook_callback
Callback URL for i reply : https://page.thecodecomposer.com/instagram_reply/webhook_callback
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1 Answers
xeroneitbd Admin
5 years agoIt should work fine. If your webwook disabled , the reason described here https://xeroneit.net/blog/your-webhook-subscription-callback-url-has-not-been-acceptiong-updates-bot-inboxer as you know about it though.