ChatPion Ecommerce Store Currency Option

Profile Picture RyanMelo  17th May 2020 ChatPion

I always admire the XeroneIT Team for their dedication to building the best marketing tool in the world. Every day I'm checking what's their new ideas and platform like this e-commerce Facebook Messenger. Due to this Pandemic, most of businesses should know how to practice this online tools in order for them to move forward.

I would like to suggest these options maybe it could help also.

1. Option to choose Currency

2. Option to choose Language (Hopefully Arabic will be available soon)

3. Option to add Custom Local Payment (If custom work please tell us the price if possible)

4. Option to add Sub Categories on products for additional items Ex: Burger - add Cheese for subs.

5. Dashboard Page for Store (Orders, Process, and Report)

Thanks a lot for making the ChatPion available for us, I am very happy to invest in your products. 

Please stay safe also your family..

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