Big update of ChatPion in 2021, ChatPion v5.3, has already been released.
ChatPion has already been established as a world-leading multichannel marketing software. The application has many unique and striking features and add-ons that have functionalities needed to do online marketing of products and services.
Besides, it has a robust and full-featured Ecommerce platform that can sell products to thousands of customers at the same time. ChatPion’s ecommerce platform has recently turned into a standalone feature. That is, the ecommerce platform can itself be opened on a browser. Of course, it can be opened inside Messenger like before.
ChatPion has a well developed and well-shaped dashboard. And from the dashboard, you can easily navigate to the different features. Well, every feature of ChatPion also has special interfaces on which you can make settings for the features. The interfaces has drag and drop facilities so that you can organize things very easily and smoothly
In one word, the dashboard and the interfaces of different features have been made in a way that you can use the every feature of the application very easily. Ultimately, ChatPion become highly user-friendly.
Nonetheless, the ChatPion team works day and night to make the application more efficient than ever. They regularly add new features and add-ons, increase the functionality of the existing features and add-ons and make the ChatPion more and more user friendly.
In continuation, the big update of ChatPion, ChatPion v5.3, has already been released.
It is called big Update because the functionalities of features, especially of e-commerce platforms, have increased to the next level. Moreover, the interface of different features, especially of ecommerce store, has become more user friendly than ever.
In this article, I will talk about the new increased functionalities of the features and add-on elaborately so that you can obtain all the benefits of the increased functionalities.
1. SMS broadcasting Delay option:
Now you can set delay time in seconds for bulk SMS in SMS broadcasting. Some SMS gateways provide a very lower limit of sending SMS per minute or second. Therefore, to solve the problem, the option to set delay time has been added. Now you can set a delay time to send bulk SMS.
2. User Input Flow Campaign Export and Import:
User Input Flow and Custom Fields, an outstanding add-on of ChatPion, has recently been introduced, the add-on that can collect real-time information from users while chatting with them like a human being. It doesn’t tell the users to click on a quick reply button and to fill-out a webview form.
Messenger bot settings can easily be exported from one Facebook page and imported to another Facebook page. In the updated version of ChatPion, the bot setting with the campaign of User Input Flow and Custom Fields could be exported from one Facebook page and imported to another Facebook page.
That is, if you have a user input flow campaign for a Facebook page, you can import the campaign to the other Facebook page— no need to create a campaign anew for the Facebook Page.
3. Creating a carousel of products in the Messenger bot easily:
Now you can easily create a carousel of products of your e-commerce store in the Messenger bot. You just have to select reply type as E-commerce. Then, you have to select the Ecommerce store. Next, from a drop-down menu, you have to select products that you want to create a carousel. You can select as many products as you want. Check details here
4. Medium Posting with access Token:
ChatPion striking feature ‘Social Posting’ can post on different social media including Medium.
Well, To publish posts on the behalf of Medium account, a third-party app like ChatPion need a user token provided by Medium. Medium offers two ways to acquire an access token: browser-based authentication and self-issued access token. Browser-based authentication becomes limited to only existing integration only. And Medium recommends using a self-issued access token.
Well, According to the new rule, ChatPion has changed the setting of ‘Social Posting’ to post on Medium. Now you can easily import your Medium account to ChatPion by importing the self-issued access token.
5. Issue in posting on LinkedIn solved:
ChatPion’s ‘Social Posting’ can also post on LinkedIn. ChatPion had a minor issue, relating to text formatting, in posting on LinkedIn. And in the Big update, the issue has been solved totally.
Major Updates on ChatPion’s full E-commerce platform:
6. Facebook Page is optional to create an E-commerce store:
You may know that ChatPion’s E-commerce store can be opened on the browser and inside Facebook Messenger.
We are thrilled to inform you that selecting a Facebook page is no longer mandatory to create Ecommerce store for the browser. In one word, ChatPion’s E-commerce store is now a totally standalone feature.
7. Specific QR code for digital menu or ecommerce store:
Now ChatPion’s Ecommerce platform can generate Digital menu for a specific table in restaurant. Likewise, it can generate different QR codes for different brunches of a store.
Therefore, customers give orders for food without selecting the table number and can buy products without selecting the brunch of a store. The digital menu or the ecommerce store will inform you that which table or which brunch order has come from.
As for the digital menu, customers will just sit at a table in a restaurant, scan the QR code, give orders, and make payments without selecting table number they are sitting at. Likewise, a customer can purchase a product without selecting the brunch of the store.
Check details here
8. Appearance settings:
The Big Update of ChatPion has come with a new option called Appearance Setting. The option gives you the flexibility to change the default appearance of your store as your wish. Using the appearance settings, you can make the outlook of your store more attractive and make your store more user friendly.
Let’s see what you can change:
a. Changing the default color:
The default color of the E-commerce store is blue. But, you can change the default color with your favorite color by picking up the color from the color picker.
Please watch the video tutorial to learn more about color change in an Ecommerce store.
b. Changing the default theme: Likewise, you can change the default font of the Ecommerce store. From a drop-down list of some popular fonts— Arial, Garamond, Georgia, Helvetica, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, and Verdana— you can easily select your favorite font for your store.
c. Product grouping: Now you can choose if the products in your store will be grouped in category wise or not.
d. Product viewing: Also, you can display your product in two ways-- List View and Grid view. By default, the list view is selected. To display your product in grid view, you have to enable the grid view.
e. Changing the button title: Now you can easily change the text of the Buy Now and Store pickup button. For example, you can rename the ‘Buy Now’ button as ‘Order Now’.
f. Hiding/showing add to cart and buy now button: You can Hide/show the add to cart and buy now button by turning on and off the radio buttons.
The flexibility of the Hiding/ Showing ‘Add to Cart’ and ‘Buy Now’ buttons is given because some customers want to use the digital menu as the sheer replacement of paper menu. They just want to check the food items on the menu and give the order via the waiter and make payments to the manager directly, handing over the cash.
Check details here
9. List of signed-up customers:
The updated version of ChatPion has come with another new option called sign-up customers. By clicking on the option called signed-up customers, you can see the list of customers who have signed-up on the E-commerce store on the browser and have made orders. On the page, you can reset the password on the behalf of your customers.
Also, you can also see the order history of the specific customer by clicking on the orders button.
10. Business hour settings:
The updated version of ChatPion has also introduced another option called ‘Business hour settings’. With the option, you can set the Business hours—opening and closing hours— of your store or restaurant.
11. More flexibility in Checkout settings:
a. Guest purchase: In the Checkout settings of the E-commerce store, you can enable guest purchase by turning on the radio button. That is, if you enable guest purchase, people can access the digital menu and e-commerce store on the browser without logging in. That is, they can give orders for food in your restaurant and purchase products from your store as a guest on browsers.
Check details here
b. Schedule order: Now you can enable scheduled order and select a time frame from a drop-down list of different time frames— Only today, today, and tomorrow, one week, and any.
If you enable scheduled orders and select a time frame, customers can make a scheduled orders within the time frame.
c. Preparation time: Also, you can specify the preparation time in minutes for all the products. You can specify the preparation time for a specific food item differently in the product settings of the store.
This flexibility is very much useful for the digital menu of a restaurant. In the restaurant, most of the food items need to be cooked or prepared after the order has been placed.
If the preparation times are specified, the time will be shown on the image of the food items or products.
Knowing about the preparation time of food items is especially useful for the customers in hurry.
d. Enable/Disable Home delivery and store pickup: Now you will get the flexibility of enabling/disabling Home delivery and Store pickup options. If you have a real restaurant and don’t give home delivery facilities, you might as well disable the Home delivery option. On the other hand. If you only deliver food from home, you can disable the Store pick-up option. And you can disable both options when you have a real restaurant that delivers food.
12. Category Image:
Now you can upload thumbnail images for categories. And the images will be displayed in the category navigation bar. Therefore, a customer can easily differentiate the different categories by the images.
13. Rearrange categories:
If you enable the category-wise display of products in the appearance setting, you can reorganize the categories by dragging and dropping. Check details here
14. Product Attribute value Excluded:
When an attribute is added to a product, it comes with he every value. But some product doesn’t compatible with every value of a specific attribute. For example, you can have color attributes with different values— red, blue, white, black, linen, and so on. But what if your store doesn’t have a black shirt or the black shirt is sold out. Then you need to exclude black from the color attribute. In the latest version of ChatPion, you can exclude any value of an attribute for a specific product.
This feature available only in the product price variation add-on
Check details here
15. Displaying products in various ways:
Now you can display your products in multiple ways. You can display your products in the Product title, New product, Price, total sales, and random in both ascending and descending order.
16. Ecommerce Store on other websites:
Now you can place your e-commerce store on your websites. For this purpose, the e-commerce store generates a snippet of embedded code on the copy URL page. You just have to copy the code and paste in the HTML of your website.
17. Five more Payment Gateways added:
In the latest version, two more payment gateways, MercadoPago for Latin America and SSLCOMMERZ for Bangladesh,SenangPay for Malaysia, Xendit for Indonesia and Instamojo for India, have been added. Now the total number of payment gateways becomes 10— PayPal, Stripe, Mollie, Razorpay, Paystack, Mercado Pago, and SSLCOMMERZ,SenangPay ,Xendit, and Instamojo .
18. Product Single page image:
Now the image of the product will be placed on the top of the page both on the browser and inside Messenger. Therefore, the product page will look attractive and vivid.
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8 Answers
3 years agoI am waiting for this. When can i expect it ?
26. Product Import from CSV File: Now you will be able to import products in XeroChat Ecommerce from a CSV file.
4 years agoThank you.
For Ecommerce Store ,Can user login with Facebook NOT email signup becase It's easy for send comfirmed order / reply back in chat 's Messager. :)
4 years agoFor next update please include in Attributes Variation for the stocks.
Thank you :)
4 years agoAll payment options in the Market are not only enabled by Credit Card and here Brazil also sells a lot through Boleto Bancário and a new payment option implemented in Brazil PIX!
Is it possible to enable other payment methods
xeroneitbd Admin
4 years agoSorry but not sure about this what you actually meant. We have just implemented Mercado Pago from their documentation as they have provided.
4 years agoIn forum under new update details this point was mentioned---->
26. Product Import from CSV File: Now you will be able to import products in XeroChat Ecommerce from a CSV file.
Is this available after 5.3 update? Or Xerochat team is still working on it?
xeroneitbd Admin
4 years agoThat list has a overall Roadmap . This 26 isn't available in this 5.3 version. It will come in future update.
4 years agoHello
Thank you for Big Update!
Please add a payment gateway for Ukraine
xeroneitbd Admin
4 years agoYou are welcome :) . We will think about it in future.
4 years agoAn incredible update, they included many useful functions in e-commerce. It only remains to thank, thank you very much!
Just one thing, in the new form of paid market Chile does not appear. Is it possible to add it?
xeroneitbd Admin
4 years agoThank you so much.
I actually can't understand your request. Are you talking about any payment gateway for your country or what ?
4 years agoMuito bom, estamos ansiosos para saber como vai funcionar, já atualizei e estou testando, muito obrigado.
Parabéns à equipe xeroneit.