v3.3 Messenger Bot Connectivity : A ChatPion Add-on
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Very effective ChatPion add-on that enhances messenger bot features. This add-on includes : JSON API connector & webview form builder .

JSON API Connector:

JSON API connector sends JSON data to any of your provided external URL. Once any specific event mentioned below is triggered, system will send json data to your provided webhook URL & it will wait for 10 second to get response. If system does not get response in 10 seconds, it will send another post request to your webhook. You can then process your data as you want. This feature can be used to connect our system with any third party app like Zapier or your own custom app.


The Messenger Platform allows you to open a standard webview, where you can load webpages inside Messenger. This lets you offer experiences and features that might be difficult to offer with message bubbles, such as picking products to buy, seats to book, or dates to reserve.


  • A ticket-search bot can display an interactive stadium seat map for choosing a seat.
  • A travel bot can provide travel preferences—aisle vs. window, inn vs. hotel, dietary needs—accessible from the persistent menu.
  • A dental-appointment bot can display an interactive calendar for choosing an appointment slot.
  • A news bot can provide a multi-select list of topics to subscribe to.
  • A commerce or brand bot can offer personal preferences to customize offers and free gifts.

Key Features:

JSON API Connector:
  • Connect any 3rd party app like Zapier
  • Just provide a weebhook URL to receive data
  • Works with messagner bot email/phone and postback events
  • Choose data fields you want to receive
  • Use data whatever and whenever you want
  • Ability to export webview data

  • Drag & drop webview form builder
  • Embed webview URL as button click action [text with buttons, generic template, carousel, media]
  • Compact, tall & full webview loading
  • Process & store webview data in ChatPion platform
  • Form-wise & subscriber-wise collected webview data display
  • Export collected webview data to 3rd party app using JSON API connector


Want to know more about Messenger Bot Connectivity Add-on? Please read our Documentation

Change Log

V3.0 – 31st January 2022

- ChatPion v8.0 combability 

v2.5.7 - 22nd November 2020

- User input Flow Campaign Section Added into Json API Connector if User Input & Custom Fields add-on exist.

v2.5.6 - 15th October 2020

- Fixes multi-select issue

v2.5.4 - 25th July 2020

- Form submit error by user issue fix.

v2.5.3 - 22th July 2020

- Form builder's checkbox single value receive issue fix.

v2.5.2 - 5th May 2020

- Form data can not exceed characters in length issue fix.


- Auto update only

v2.5 - 29th April 2020

- Create Label option at webview from builder
- Changed the length of the `assign_label` column
- Bot Connectivity ad-on: 
- Webview Form Submission Email Alert
- Added a column in webview form details popup box
- JSON API location option added
- Webview report table responsive issue
- Resolved single quote issue

v2.1 – v2.4

- Auto update only

v2.0 – 19th November 2019

- Webview data export feature

v1.3.4 – 13th November 2019

- Some optimization in WebView

v1.3.3 – 31th October 2019 [Auto Update]

- Database unique field issue.

v1.3.2 – 8th October 2019 [Auto Update]

- OPEN BASE DIR required issue

v1.3. – 6th October 2019

- Auto update only

v1.3 – 3rd October 2019

- Data grid loading issue in modal.

v1.2 – 30th September 2019

- Label assign after submit form issue fix.

v1.1 – 28th September 2019

- WebView form submit with typing on enable reply template
- Permission issue in showing WebView Form & Information 

v1.0 – 25th September 2019

- Initial release
  • subinbabu

    4 years ago

  • Idris7umed

    4 years ago

  • info@xeroneit.net

    4 years ago

  • shawoon98

    4 years ago

    Xero products are one of the best of the bests on codecanyon. Love their work, quality, documentation and customer support. Highly recommended.

  • suliman88

    4 years ago

  • venz2020

    4 years ago

    Very useful, 100 %r recommended

  • Zak86

    4 years ago

    keep up the good work !!

  • go2tanvir

    5 years ago

    Excellent software for facebook messenger

  • karemshiha

    5 years ago

  • oswarnieves

    5 years ago

    A great tool that helps me improve my marketing. These guys are the best creating scripts, Customer service is one of the best !!!

  • quantri24

    5 years ago

    Hi, I need a video tutorial how to connect
    When a customer fills in a Webview form http://prntscr.com/pixf2i The Xerochat system will send the customer data to Google sheets or Email.
    Thanks Xerochat team

  • anjimgo

    5 years ago

    Very good script, so helpfull

  • unlimitedmobileapps

    5 years ago

    Thank you!

  • dkwholesales

    5 years ago

  • BuxRecord

    5 years ago

    Unbelieve. This is the most release never seen in Internet. I ask myself, how you do that? Inspiration? Revelation? or a hide member in fb team?
    Realy thanks for this greeat work

    • xeroneitbd

      5 years ago

      Wow, this type of comments are our inspiration :)

  • katetan

    5 years ago

    Very Impressive Product!

  • khbmedia

    5 years ago

21 Comments Login to comment

  • When Support Time is expire then Reset License why not working.

    Please Update this issue

    Thank You

    • ranzu84 Team

      3 years ago

      Resetting the license key is not related to the support expired or not. Please try again. Let us know what exactly the problem is.

  • Dear xeroneit team..

    I have a request

    Can the form result data can be send back to subscriber
    So the subscriber can check back what they have input

    Its like user input add on..

    If can, then it will be great

    Also, can the data result send back to webhook
    So subscriber can get information to their email or phone

    Thank you

  • Will this webhock link to member data for extended license?

  • I have Extended License XeroChat do I need to buy this to integrate with third party software?

  • Hello, is it possible to export data from the electronic store with its "Messenger Bot Connectivity" addon to a google sheet?

    For example orders, quantity and related data

    • Great! I hope that in future updates they can add this function, if I can create a panel for store owners using google sheet

  • Hi Hi I have a question for the form

    I would like to create a form where we ask customer to select the A B C (Dropdown) if they select B, then the next option to choose are BB1, BB2, BB2

    If select A, then the AA1, AA2, AA3 will available for them to select (BB1, BB2, BB2 will be hidden)

    Is this possible?

    • december30

      4 years ago

      If we want this to be developed how much would it cost? Please contact us, we want that option

  • One question:
    After the webhook received the data, can the webhook response back to the chat?

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      4 years ago


      Currently this add-on SEND/POST data to thirdparty webhook, but don't GET data for any processing.

  • Can I use this for connect to LINE

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      5 years ago

      Sorry but i couldn't understand your question. Would you please describe a bit more details.

  • Hi, would it be possible to integrate Xerochat with Dialogflow. Also a built in API to receive data to push to bot will be great as there are a lot of tools available that will make Xerochat a super chatbot platform.

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      5 years ago

      Sorry for late response.

      Currently it's not possible. We will think about these in future hopefully.


  • Hello,

    I have bought the Messenger Bot Connectivity Add-on and try the web view form builder.

    After user submit the form in messenger, is it possible to show the form data in the messenger ?

    If not, any work around to do it?

    Because all of my customers make order through facebook messenger just with text, and I want to use the webview form as an input area for ordering some kind of products, once the buyer click the button, the related form data could be displayed in the messenger so that our customer service staff could know which products the buyer is ordering.

    • xeroneitbd Admin

      5 years ago


      I can understand your expectation. However currently our system isn't supported. We will think in future regarding any work around of it.


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