(#551) This person isn't available right now error message in Subscriber Bulk Broadcast

You may see error like (#551) This person isn't available right now in report of Subscriber Bulk Broadcast with Messenger Broadcaster addon There may several reason: 1. The user deactivated their account. 2.The user blocked your page. 3. The user don't have activity for long days with your page. 4. The user may in FB Inboxer leads as got private reply of comment but never repli...

2nd Jul 2019



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How to reset purchase code of Xerone IT Products

One purchase code can be hooked with one domain or subdomain. However if you change your domain or subdomain, you will need to reset purchase codes to use them for new domain or subdomain. The good news is you do not need to open a support ticket or ask our team to reset your purchase code any more ! Yes, now you can reset your purchase code from your Xerone IT panel. You can reset both Envato ...

9th Apr 2019



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Solution for error (#200) If posting to a group, requires app being installed in the group

You can follow the below steps to install the app in your Facebook group. Remember that's for only after your app is approved & Live mode. First, go to your Facebook group and click the "More" button. Then click the "Edit Group Settings" menu from the dropdown list. As shown in the Step 1 section. Click on the "Add Apps" button in the Apps section. As shown in the Step 2 section. Her...

30th Mar 2019



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Your Webhooks subscription callback URL has not been accepting updates for ChatPion

If you get this message for ChatPion in Facebook app dashboard "Your Webhooks subscription callback URL has not been accepting updates", there may several reason for that. Most cases, if your server goes down for any reason like maintenance or other, Facebook can't get any response from callback URL. In this time Facebook send this notification. If it continues for long time, Facebook may s...

19th Jan 2019



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URL Blocked: This redirect failed because the URI was not whitelisted for redirection in the client's oAuth settings. Make sure client and web OAuth login are turned on and add all your app domains as valid OAuth forwarding URIs.

If you get this error  in ChatPion :  URL Blocked: This redirect failed because the URI was not whitelisted for redirection in the client's oAuth settings. Make sure client and web OAuth login are turned on and add all your app domains as valid OAuth forwarding URIs. That’s because of misconfiguration of Facebook app login settings. Double check your all settings is correct. You must ne...

19th Jan 2019



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Get Open Rate For Subscriber Bulk Broadcast of Messenger BroadCaster

If you are sendig message with Subscriber Bulk Broadcast of Messenger BroadCaster, to enable the report of open rate, Make sure to edit the webhook event of your app & select message_reads . Goto you Facebook APP, From Left Menu click on Messenger -> Settings . After that disable the BOT, & Re-start the BOT again. ( Don't Delete ) This settings is need...

19th Jan 2019



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Page is already enabled by another admin in BOT Inboxer

This happen in BOT Inboxer when the page is already enabled by another Facebook account or another system user in the your system. To solve this & enable from where you are trying is to find out the account in the system where this page is already enabled. You will need to delete the BOT from BOT Settings Menu from that account. Then you can enable it again for new account. If for any...

25th Dec 2018



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Facebook APP Business Verification Process Best Practices

If you are going to submit business verification for Facebook APP review process, Before submiting follow this best practice to get approval . 1. Website Address: You need to give website of your business. It not necessary to give the ChatPion website for business verification. You need to give the website of your business that you are submiting the documentation. Also make sure that your...

25th Dec 2018



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Solution : (#368) The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed

This error messages comes from Facebook. There may be few reason of it. 1. Your content may be Spammy by Facebook Filter. 2. You have any link attached that blocked by Facebook 3. You are sending message too fast without setting delay. 4. If too much people mark your message as spam. 5. The subscribers from whom it gets the error message is inactive from many days w...

22nd Jan 2019



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